Statistical Profile

Statistical Profile (as of July 1, 2023)


Dean and Faculty 34
Professional staff 41
Classified staff 15
Student workers  200


Books (Print volumes) 1,723,023
Books (Electronic titles) 1,615,565
Journal holdings (Print) 38,425
Journal holdings (Electronic) 199,914
Archives & manuscripts (linear feet) 4,171
ORB repository items 5,680


Libraries' attendance (gate count) 701,210
Seating capacity 2,648


E-Book loans 348,830
E-journal usage 1,087,398
Interlibrary loans to other libraries 15,619
Interlibrary loans received 13,560
ORB item downloads 175,587

Research and Instruction

In-person and Online reference queries 1,438
Library instruction sessions 297
Students reached via instruction 7,087
Consultations 487