Chenqing Song
Associate Professor; TRIP Courtesy Title
Chenqing Song’s research interest is phonology, both historical and synchronic. Her dissertation tackles the issue of the “stop codas” in Old Chinese. It was also selected to be published in the “Series of Ph.D. Theses in Linguistics” by the Commercial Press in Beijing. She currently researches tones and tonal prosody in the ancient Chinese poetry using both linguistics and statistical methods. On this topic, she has published research papers in top international journals and edited books, and co-authored a book, titled Tonal Prosody in Yongming Style Poems (Nankai University Press, 2015). As a language pedagogist, her research focuses on tonal acquisition and the integration of culture into language teaching. She is currently the treasurer and a member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL). She collaborates with ACTFL and directs the “Sounds of China” STARTALK Chinese language program.
- PhD, MA, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Research Interests
- Chinese phonology
- Historical linguistics
- Tones in poetic prosody
- Chinese as a foreign language teaching
Teaching Interests
- Chinese language teaching
- Chinese linguistics and culture
- The Young Scholar Award of IACL (2006)
- Mantaro J. Hashimoto (MJH) Award for Chinese Historical Phonology (2006)