MS Data Science & Statistics: How to Apply

Expected Background of Applicants

Minimum mathematical background (preference will be given to those with more than the minimum):

  • Two semesters of calculus
  • Two semesters of probability and mathematical statistics
  • One semester of matrix algebra

It is preferred that applicants hold a degree in a STEM field or a quantitatively oriented discipline.

How to Apply

Application to our graduate programs is done through the Graduate School. Use the links below to apply.

Application Deadline

The application deadline for funding consideration is January 30. All applications received by April 15 will be given full consideration for admission.

MS-DSS applicants who intend to continue as PhD students

Our MS-DSS program is designed to be a professional degree program, preparing students to work as professionals after graduation. For applicants who intend to continue study in a PhD program in mathematics or statistics, please be advised that such a transition is not guaranteed, but is possible.

Students interested in this path are advised to take the PhD level courses Math 571 and Math 579 (Advanced Probability and Advanced Statistical Inference), in addition to Math 501 and Math 502, and courses Math 505 and Math 506 (Analysis I and Analysis II) for the proper mathematical foundation that many PhD programs in mathematics or statistics may require.


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