Off Campus Programs and Services aims to provide services and programs that support the University's goal of achieving an environment that encourages and promotes educational excellence.

Off-campus housing search
We have plenty of information to assist you as you prepare to move off campus. Live off campus and have some questions? We can help.

Things to do in Binghamton
One-of-a-kind antique shops, fascinating museum tours, mouth-watering cider mill, out-of-this-world trips to the planetarium and more.

Off-campus safety
Our university and the city of Binghamton are committed to providing a safe environment for all students and citizens in our community.
Resources for living off campus
Office Campus Programs and Services has many additional helpful resources designed specifically to meet the needs of students living off campus and local commuter students:
- FORMS AND DOCUMENTS: Download our Tenant Rights' Guide, New Student's Guide to Living Off Campus, Housing Search Checklist, Rental Agreement, and more to assist in your search for off-campus housing.
- LEGAL ADVICE: The Legal Clinic provides free legal advice for any Binghamton University student.
- TRANSPORTATION: Off-campus transportation information including bus and taxi information, as well as Broome County bus information.
- FOOD PANTRY: The Food Pantry is available to all Binghamton University students facing hard times, such as running short of money for the month or other emergency situations. Visit the Food Pantry web page to also learn more about resources available in the local community.