Van Safety Guidelines

Passenger vans (especially 15 passenger vans), sport utility, suburban type and towing vehicles, have different driving characteristics than other commonly driven passenger vehicles. The risk of rollover substantially increases when these vehicles are operated fully loaded, in certain weather conditions and in certain high speed maneuvers.

To more effectively manage the safe operation of these vehicles, the University mandates drivers successfully complete an online training program (VISUM) prior to operating them. It is the responsibility of the department that has stewardship of these vehicles to report any additions or deletions to the online driver program on a semester–by-semester basis.

Driver Conditions

Drivers seeking to operate any of these type vehicles MUST MEET the following conditions:

  • Drivers MUST be at least 18 years of age and have a VALID US driver's license.
  • Drivers MUST have the appropriate class of driver’s license to operate the vehicle.
  • Drivers MUST agree to participate in the Department of Motor Vehicles LENS License Event Notification Service) program by signing and submitting a release form.
  • Drivers MUST sign a certifying statement that they do not have a physical or medical condition that would impair their ability to operate a vehicle.
  • Drivers MUST participate in and pass a driver training program (on-line-VISUM) and have hands-on behind the wheel experience.
  • Drivers MUST agree to abide by all appropriate Vehicle and Traffic, DOT, etc. laws.
  • Drivers MUST NOT operate vans with items on the van roofs.

Denial of Operation

The University reserves the right to deny a person the privilege to operate a State owned/leased/rented vehicle, including van type vehicles, when a determination is made that such denial is in the best interest of the University. The basis of such determination is not limited to driver information received from the DMV LENS program.

Drivers may be denied vehicle operation if they have been:

  • Convicted of any violation the use of alcohol or drinking or drugs while operating a motor vehicle during the past 36 months period.
  • Convicted of more than three moving Vehicle and Traffic Law violations during the past 12 month period.
  • Involved in two or more accidents that are recorded in the Motor Vehicle Driving Record during the past 24 month period.
  • Convicted of reckless driving in the past 36 month period.
  • Convicted of leaving the scene of an accident or failure to report an accident during the past 36 month period.
  • Convicted of vehicular assault.

Driver Responsibility

Drivers assigned these types of vehicles type vehicles MUST:

  • Inspect the vehicle prior to operation.
  • Ensure that the number of occupants does not exceed the capacity of the vehicle.
  • Ensure that all occupants are wearing seatbelts at all times.
  • Ensure that no alcohol is allowed in the vehicle.
  • Ensure that the amount of time a driver spends behind the wheel is not excessive.
  • Comply with all posted and advisory speed limits and reduce speed on sharp turns.

The State University has been granted an exemption from Section 19A of the Vehicle and Traffic Law which places additional requirements (CDL [commercial driver’s license]) on individuals who drive certain vehicles more than 29 days a year.

License Event Notification Consent

The status and validity of a driver’s license must be verified in order to operate a State owned/leased/rented vehicle. The New York State Department of Motor Vehicles has such a program called LENS (License Event Notification Service). By completing the LENS Authorization form, you will be giving the University permission to seek this verification. Upon completion, please seal in an envelope and forward to Meghan Dold, McGuire Building.