Transfer Mentor Program

Our Transfer Mentor program is designed to help assist new and returning transfer students with their transition to Binghamton University! 

We hope that this program will provide transfer students with the resources to adjust, be comfortable, and immerse themselves within the Binghamton community! 

Stop by the Transfer Mentor program office in the CIW Library, room 204.

For new Fall 2024 Transfer students, you will automatically be assigned a Transfer Mentor. You will receive an introductory email from your mentor in early August prior to move-in. It is our hope that your mentor will help guide you throughout your first semester and help you transition smoothly to Binghamton! 

Regardless of when you transferred to Binghamton University, every transfer student has the ability to meet with a transfer mentor. Each transfer mentor holds an office hour every week in the CIW Library, rm 204 (unless otherwise noted). Feel free to stop by with questions, comments, suggestions, or just to chat! 
CIW Library

Fall 2024 Schedule:


Meet our Mentors: