Intercollegiate Athletic Board (IAB) Bylaws

Adopted by IAB, April 13, 2012
Last revised May 9, 2013


The Bylaws are intended to define and facilitate the operations of the Board and are meant to complement, rather than replace, the Guidelines for the Establishment and Conduct of the Campus Intercollegiate Athletics Board at State-operated Campuses of the State University of New York.


"President" shall refer to the President of Binghamton University.
"Chair" shall refer to the chair of the Intercollegiate Athletics Board.
"Board" shall refer to the Intercollegiate Athletics Board.
"AD" shall refer to the Director of Athletics.
"IAB" shall refer to the Intercollegiate Athletics Board.


The Intercollegiate Athletics Board (IAB) shall act in an advisory capacity to the Director of Athletics (AD) and the President of the University. The IAB is charged by the President to report back, on an annual basis, on the functioning of the intercollegiate athletics program with respect to those activities defined in these Bylaws.

There shall be regular communications between the IAB and the Faculty Senate, the Student Athlete Advisory Council and other key stakeholders for provision of information to, and solicitation of input from, the university community.

The IAB and its subcommittees will provide feedback and advice to the Athletic Department on matters concerning compliance functions, academic issues, gender equity, and budget development.


The membership of the IAB will consist of seventeen (17) voting members and additional non- voting members who may be appointed as necessary to provide the expertise needed by the IAB to carry out its charge. The membership roster of the IAB shall be available to the public by way of posting on the IAB website.

Unless otherwise stated, all appointments to the IAB are made by the President. All members of the IAB serve at the pleasure of the President. Faculty members of the Board shall be appointed after consultation with the Faculty Senate. The overall composition of the committee should be broadly representative in terms of both constituency (faculty, students and administrators) and diversity (race, gender, ethnicity, etc).

IV.a Membership of the IAB

  • five (5) faculty members, one of whom is appointed by and a member of the Faculty Senate, typically the Chair of the Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (IAC);
  • six (6) student members, two (2) of whom are members of the SAAC; and two (2) ex officio (with vote) members from the Student Association (SA), typically the President of the SA and the Vice President for Finance of the SA, or their designees; at least one student member must not be a member of an intercollegiate athletics team.
  • three (3) administrators, including the President's Liaison (who may also serve as Chair) and the head of athletic compliance; and one (1) administrative designee of the Vice President for Student Affairs;
  • the FAR shall serve as an ex officio (with vote) member;
  • one (1) alumni member; ● one (1) head coach, who is recommended by the AD or his/her peers (coach representation should be representative of mens and womens sports in alternating terms to achieve gender balance);
  • The AD is an ex-officio (non-voting) member of the IAB.

Appointments to the IAB are for three-year terms, except for students, who are appointed to two- year terms. Certain ex officio positions (such as the AD and head of athletic compliance) shall serve for the duration of their terms of office. At the end of the 3 year term, the President may choose to re-appoint members for an additional term. Membership cycles should be staggered where possible. In the case of a resignation, a replacement will be appointed to serve out the original term. Non-voting members may be appointed to the IAB by the President or the Chair.

IV.b Other Participants in Board meetings

The President, Chair, or the Board itself may request other personnel to participate in meetings as necessary. Meetings will otherwise be closed to outside individuals or groups due to the sensitivity of some of the issues that may arise during the course of Board meetings. Any individuals with expressed interest or concerns should feel free to approach the Chair, or any other member of the IAB, after which an invitation may be extended to that individual or group of individuals by the Chair. Other personnel who may regularly participate in IAB meetings and/or subcommittees of the IAB include (but are not limited to) representatives from:

  • the Athletic Department;
  • Enrollment management (admissions, financial aid, registrar's office);
  • Advancement and/or the Alumni Association;
  • the faculty budget committee, Office of strategic and fiscal planning, or the Division of Administration;

IV .c Chair

The President will appoint a Chair for a three year term. The Chair is responsible for convening all meetings of the IAB. The Chair will work with the President or the President's liaison to ensure that all vacancies on the IAB are filled.


The IAB will meet a minimum of three times each semester with additional meetings scheduled by the Chair as required to complete the Board's business in a timely fashion. In general, meetings of the IAB are held on a monthly basis during the academic term. The calendar of these meetings will be set at the beginning of each semester and made public on the web site.

V.a Rules

Meetings will be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order.

V.b Agenda

The agenda includes review and approval of minutes from the previous meeting.

Each meeting also includes reports from the Director of Athletics, the Faculty Athletics Representative, and a representative of the Core Compliance Committee.

Requests for additional items to be included on the agenda may be made to the Chair prior to the meeting date in question.

A synopsis of the meetings in the form of meeting minutes will be reported on the IAB website.

V.c Quorum

A quorum will consist of one half plus one of voting members, including at least one faculty member, one administrator, and one student. A simple majority vote of those present will be required to pass a motion.


Other committees deemed necessary for the functioning of the IAB may be created by majority vote of the voting members of the IAB. These ad-hoc committees will have defined time limits. Subcommittee Chairs are responsible for convening their subcommittees, and for reporting to the IAB as appropriate.

Non-members of the IAB may serve as liaisons or consultants to these subcommittees as needed. Written reports are submitted by each subcommittee chair before the conclusion of the Spring term.

VI.a Compliance Subcommittee

This subcommittee is responsible for reviewing compliance with all NCAA rules. The subcommittee will meet as needed to review all rules infractions and their consequences except where bound by rules of confidentiality. It will review all relevant new NCAA legislation. Functions of the Compliance subcommittee will be to:

  • Ensure that compliance continues to move in the direction of proactive measures via
  • enhanced awareness of regulations, unique needs of student-athletes and outreach to key constituencies around campus.
  • Review all matters related to compliance with NCAA and AEC rules and regulations, including any incidents in which the rules and regulations may have been violated.

Membership will include the following:

  • the Athletics Compliance Officer shall serve as Chair of this subcommittee;
  • the FAR;
  • two faculty members from the Board;
  • two coaches (representative of both male and female sports);
  • two student athletes
  • four (4) representatives, representing enrollment management (admissions, financial aid and student records), student affairs, and/or the division of administration.


VII.a Budget

The Director of Athletics will present a preliminary annual budget to the IAB for discussion and approval in sufficient time to allow input and possible modification prior to its being presented to the President.

VII.b Gender Equity

The IAB will review Gender Equity statistics on an annual basis, and advise the AD and President on this matter.

VII.c Standards

The Department of Athletics will inform the IAB of all relevant changes in standards imposed by the NCAA and our athletic conference(s). The IAB will provide advice as necessary to assist in maintaining compliance with these standards.

VII.d Reviews

The IAB will participate in reviews of the intercollegiate athletics program to insure that it maintains standards consistent with those Binghamton University, SUNY, our athletic conference(s), and any other relevant intercollegiate athletic association body.

VII.e Searches

At the discretion of the president, members of the IAB will participate in search committees for the positions of Director of Athletics, Associate Directors, and other senior level administrative positions within the Department of Athletics.

VII.f Liaison with the NCAA

The IAB may recommend to the President individuals to serve as the institution's Faculty Athletics Representative.

VII.g Annual Report

The IAB will submit an annual report to the President at the conclusion of the academic year.


A vote of two thirds of the voting IAB members shall be required to revise these Bylaws. All revisions to the bylaws must be reviewed and approved by the President prior to acceptance/implementation. No amendments or revisions shall be voted on at the meeting at which they are introduced.

Adopted by the IAB, May 9, 2013