PharmD Curriculum

PharmD Curriculum 

Our four-year program leading to the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree requires four years of full-time, professional study, regardless of your educational background or experiences. Presented in detail below, our curriculum includes courses in pharmacotherapeutics, pharmacy management, pharmacoeconomics, and public and global health; robust rotations; and an emphasis on interprofessional education (IPE) and teamwork. Through a formal research track and a capstone experience, students have the opportunity to work with leading scholars and researchers in pharmacy practice and pharmaceutical sciences

Review pharmacy Prereq Courses

Program Year 1 (P1)
Fall Spring
Course Credits Course Credits
PHRM 501: Foundations I: Pharmaceutical Sciences Pharmacology, Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacokinetics  5 PHRM 502: Foundations II: Introductory Integrated Biological Sciences –Pathophysiology, Genetics, Microbiology and Immunology  3
PHRM 504: Integrated Pharmacotherapy I: Self-Care and Over-the-Counter Products1  3 PHRM 503: Foundations III: Introduction to Integrated Pharmacotherapy Clinical Sciences – Systems Pathophysiology and Clinical Chemistry/Delivery of Care  2
PHRM 508: Professional Communication and Medical Info 2 PHRM: 505: SKILLS LAB - Integrated Pharmacotherapy I: Concepts and Patient Care Skills

PHRM 510: Healthcare Delivery (IPE course with Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences and College of Community and Public Affairs) 3 PHRM 509: Foundations for Interprofessional Communication (IPE course with Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences and College of Community and Public Affairs) 1
PHRM 513: Pharmaceutics I: Physical Pharmacy  3 PHRM 511: Biostatistics 3

PHRM 514: Pharmaceutical Calculations I

1 PHRM 512: Pharmacy Law 3
PHRM 579a: Lifelong Learning (1 credit per academic year) 0 PHRM 515: Pharmaceutics II: Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery 3
    PHRM 516: Pharmaceutical Calculations II 1
    PHRM 579b: Lifelong Learning (1 credit per academic year) 1
Total credits, fall 17 Total credits, spring 19
PHRM 562: Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience I: Community Practice (summer) 2
Total credits, summer 2
P1 TOTAL     38
Program Year 2 (P2)
Fall Spring
Course Credits Course Credits
PHRM 520: Integrated Pharmacotherapy II: Gastrointestinal Disease1 2 PHRM 523: Integrated Pharmacotherapy V: Neurology, Psychiatry, Anesthesiology1 4
PHRM 521: Integrated Pharmacotherapy III: Cardiology1 4 PHRM 524: Integrated Pharmacotherapy VI: Infectious Disease1 4
PHRM 522: Integrated Pharmacotherapy IV: Endocrine, Renal and Reproductive Health1  3 PHRM 526: SKILLS LAB - Integrated Pharmacotherapy V-VI: Concepts and Patient Care Skills2 2

PHRM 525: SKILLS LAB - Integrated Pharmacotherapy II-IV: Concepts and Patient Care Skills2 

2 PHRM 529: Drug Information and Health Informatics 3
PHRM 528: Population Health and Study Design Evaluation 3 PHRM 530: Healthcare Ethics (IPE course with SUNY Upstate Medical students) 2
PHRM 533: SKILLS LAB - Pharmaceutical Compounding and Dispensing  2 PHRM 534: Pharmaceutics III: Sterile Products and Biopharmaceuticals
Elective 3 PHRM 579d: Lifelong Learning (1 credit per academic year) (IPE with SUNY Upstate Medical students) 1
PHRM 579c: Lifelong Learning (1 credit per academic year) (IPE with SUNY Upstate Medical students) 0    
Total credits, fall 19 Total credits, spring 18 
PHRM 564: Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience II: Hospital Pharmacy (summer) 2
Total credits, summer 2
Program Year 3 (P3)
Fall Spring
Course Credits Course Credits
PHRM 541: Integrated Pharmacotherapy VII: Pulmonary, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat1 3 PHRM 543: Integrated Pharmacotherapy IX: Special Populations – Geriatrics, Pediatrics and Health of Rural Populations1 3
PHRM 542: Integrated Pharmacotherapy VIII: Hematology, Oncology and Autoimmune Diseases1,4 5 PHRM 545: SKILLS/SMALL GROUP COMPLEX CASES Integrated Pharmacotherapy I-IX: Whole System Overview Integrating Concepts and Advanced Patient Care Skills(IPE with SUNY Upstate Medical students) 3
PHRM 544: SKILLS LAB - Integrated Pharmacotherapy VII-VIII: Concepts and Patient Care Skills2 (IPE with SUNY Upstate Medical students)
2 PHRM 550: Contemporary Pharmacy Leadership and Management 3
PHRM 548: Pharmacoepidemiology, Pharmacoeconomics and Health Outcomes 3 PHRM 551: Public Health and Global Health Problems 2
PHRM 553: Pharmacy, Pharmacogenomics and Precision Medicine    2 PHRM 554: Advanced Skills Lab – Pharmaceutical Compounding 1
Elective 3 Elective 3

PHRM 571a: Capstone Project Preparation (1 credit per academic year)


PHRM 571c: Capstone Project Preparation for Research Track (1 credit per academic year)


PHRM 571b: Capstone Project Preparation (1 credit per academic year)


PHRM 571d: Capstone Project Preparation for Research Track (1 credit per academic year)


PHRM 566: Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience III: Direct Patient Care I5


PHRM 567: Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience IV: Direct Patient Care II5

2 credits each
Total credits, fall 20 Total credits, spring 18
P3 TOTAL     38
Program Year 4 (P4)
Course Credits
PHRM 572: Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience I: Community Pharmacy 6
PHRM 573: Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience II: Ambulatory Care Pharmacy 6
PHRM 574: Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience III: Pharmacy Administration/Institutional 6
PHRM 575: Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience IV: General/Internal Medicine 6
PHRM 581/583: Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience: Direct Patient Care Elective 6
PHRM 582/584: Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience: Non-Direct Patient Care Elective 6
PHRM 587: Professional Development and Practice Readiness I  2
PHRM 588: Professional Development and Practice Readiness II  2
PHRM 595: Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience: Research 6

Additional Course Requirements for the PharmD Degree

All students must present their APPE Research Project at the Capstone Poster Presentation event prior to commencement.


1All non-skills lab integrated pharmacotherapy courses (IPT) are delivered by both pharmacy practice and pharmaceutical sciences faculty except PHRM 504, which is delivered solely by pharmacy practice faculty. 

2Skills lab courses are integrated with didactic pharmacotherapy courses taught concurrently and by pharmacy practice faculty. These courses include evaluating and filling prescriptions; top 300 drugs; medication counseling; patient counseling and case-based exercises. Essentially, this is all active learning. As students progress, activities build in difficulty and complexity; disease states covered in prior therapeutics courses are woven into the curriculum.

3Small section complex case-based course to integrate disease states across entire therapeutics sequence and add complexity in patient cases. Examples include multimorbid patients and advanced disease states.  

4This course includes dermatological autoimmune diseases or dermatological diseases which are treated with biologic medications.

5During the P3 year, students will take both PHRM 566 and PHRM 567. Rotations could be scheduled in the fall, winter or spring semesters as approved by the Office of Experiential Education.