Nonlinear and Nonreciprocal Transport Effects in Untwinned Thin Films of Ferromagnetic Weyl Metal
Nonlinear responses possibly arising from tilted Weyl nodes observed in SrRuO3 (Lee group, PRX 2024)

Reversible Electrochemical Anionic Redox in Rechargeable Multivalent-Ion Batteries
Computational-experimental research reveals unexpected charging mechanism in aluminum ion battery (Smeu group, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023)

Wannier functions have fostered the development of a software ecosystem for materials simulations
Wannier functions have fostered the development of a software ecosystem for materials simulations (Margine, Rev. Mod. Phys. 2024)
Research Grants & Awards
- Bonggu Shim receives NSF award for investigating intense laser plasma interactions
- Pegor Aynajian receives NSF award for nanoscale exploration of magnetic topological quantum matter
- Mativetsky and Elias Arriaga receive NSF award to support training and clean energy research experiences for undergraduates
- Margine receives collaboration DOE award with Feliciano Giustino (PI, UT Austin) and Emmanouil Kioupakis (Co-PI, U Michigen) on exascale computing of electron-phonon couplings for finite-temperature materials design
- Smeu receives NSF award to develop single-molecule electronics and spintronics with collaborators at the University of Arizona
- Kolmogorov and Margine receive NSF award to design high-Tc superconductors
- Margine receives NSF award to create an advanced electronic structure modeling infrastructure
- Margine receives NSF award to develop methods for superconductivity modeling
- Liu, Piper, and Smeu receive NSF award to study Li-ion Batteries
- Shim's group receive NSF grant for studying laser plasma interactions