Harpur Law Council Public Interest Internship
Apply to the Public Interest Internship:
Download Internship Application Form
Internship Overview
- What is the Harpur Law Council Public Interest Law Summer Internship?
This summer internship program gives Binghamton University juniors and seniors the opportunity to: -
Experience the practice of law in the public sector.
Make informed decisions about the choice of a legal career, based upon their own experience.
Receive financial support to defray living expenses during the internship.
Establish professional connections with Harpur Law Council member attorneys and other BU law alumni.
- How many internships are available?
For summer 2025: Nine to ten internships will be offered throughout the Metro NY area, Buffalo, NY, Binghamton, NY, and the Washington, D.C. area. - What do selected interns receive?
Selected students receive stipends ranging from $4,000 - $5,000 plus one credit. - Where will the internships take place?
Confirmed sites for the summer 2023 include:
- Bronx District Attorney Office - Bronx, NY
Broome County Attorney's Office - Binghamton, NY
Center for Elder Law & Justice - Buffalo, NY
- Housing Litigation Division, NYC HPD – NYC
Legal Services NYC - Bronx, NYC
NYS Division of Homes and Community Renewal (Tenant Protection Unit) - NYC
NY Supreme Court Trial Judge (Honorable Joel Cohen '83) - NYC
Tzedek DC - Washington, D.C.
- Waterfront Commission of New York Harbor – NYC
- How long are the internships?
Students chosen for the internship must work full-time at the assigned host organization for eight to ten weeks during the summer. - When is the internship deadline to apply?
All completed applications must be emailed to prelaw@binghamton.edu by 4:30PM on February 5, 2025.
Hannah L Jones , Ph.D
Pre-Law Advising Associate
Help Support Our Pre-law Interns
Your gift to the Harpur Law Alumni Fund supports the Public Interest Law Internship Program, which gives Binghamton University juniors and seniors the opportunity to experience the practice of law in the public sector and make informed decisions about their choice to pursue a career in law. Selected students receive stipends ranging from $4,000 to $5,000 plus one credit.
To make phone donations or questions about the program call 607-777-4098 or email Leah Joggerst.