Lunch and Learn Series

Are you looking to...

Learn a new skill, foster better habits or network with colleagues? The lunch and learn series with EAP opens doors to new experiences right in your lunch hour! This list is always being updated, so keep checking back for new events you may be interested in.  These events will take place from 12 - 1p.m. during the work day via Zoom. 

Problem Gambling 101

Problem Gambling 101  
Defining Problem Gambling
Types of gambling 
Gambling statistics (becoming more popular, locations of gaming facilities, accessibility) 
High Risk/ Special populations 
Gambling behaviors/cognitive distortions (myths vs facts, control, skill etc.) 
Resources/treatment options/Harm reduction strategies

Presenter: Katie Mibaum is the Team Leader for the Finger Lakes Problem Gambling Resource Center.

1/21 Zoom
Strategies for Staying Physically Active On- and Off-Campus

In this presentation, we will explore two types of physical activity: exercise and movement, highlighting the key differences between the two and discussing how both are essential for maintaining overall health and well-being. Attendees will learn practical strategies for overcoming common barriers to exercise and discover ways to incorporate more movement into their daily routines. Whether on-campus or off, we will provide actionable tips for staying active throughout the day, boosting energy, and improving both physical and mental health.

Presenter: Jody Sobel
Assistant Director, Fitness & Wellness
Campus Recreational Services

1/27 Zoom
Emerging Trends and Youth Gambling

Connection of youth gambling with the need of the participating community influencers.  
Defining problem gambling 
Change in technology 
Online gambling opportunities 
Youth as a special population 
Warning signs 
Preventative actions 

Presenter: Katie Mibaum is the Team Leader for the Finger Lakes Problem Gambling Resource Center.

2/13 Zoom
All about Hydration: Are you Getting Enough Fluids?

Join Julie Lee, BUDS Registered Dietitian for a presentation reviewing what the evidence says about why we need water and the benefits of staying hydrated, how much is enough, what are good sources of hydration, ways to increase fluid intake, and if it’s possible to drink too much. Leave with a better understanding of your own fluid goals and what works best for you.

2/18 Zoom
Mobile Sports Betting

Defining problem gambling
Sportsbook Apps
Risks of Mobile Sports Betting
Safeguards and Future Changes
Who is impacted
Gambling Disorder and Warning Signs
Where to get help- Resources

Presenter: Katie Mibaum is the Team Leader for the Finger Lakes Problem Gambling Resource Center.

3/4 Zoom

If you have topics you'd like to see or suggested speakers, please email with any additional information.