How to Sign Up for EOP Tutoring

Directions on How to Sign Up for an EOP Tutoring Appointment:

  1. Click on Link:
  2. Under Tutoring Program, select "Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)."
  3. Under Choose a Group, select the subject (e.g., "MATH: Mathematics") you need tutoring in. Once selected, in the next box choose the course (e.g., MATH 108: Algebra and Trigonometry).
  4. Under Choose a Tutor/Coach, select the tutor you wish to work with. If you don't have a preference, select "Any Available."
  5. Under Choose the Appointment Type, select "In-Person (EOP)" or "Zoom (EOP)" if available.
  6. Under Select a Date for Your Appointment, select a date that works for you. Then, under Choose a Time, choose the best time that works for you.
  7. Fill out the questionnaire under Who is Going to This Appointment, which asks for the name of your instructor and what you want to work on during the session. You also have the option to receive text notifications if desired.
  8. Click Schedule Now. You will receive an email notification once the appointment is scheduled.