Media Coverage


Graduate student Claire Foster's research was highlighted in a Binghamton University Discover-e article


Graduate student Kiera James’ research (James et al., 2019, Psychiatry Research) was highlighted in a story on PsyPost


Binghamton University issued a press release describing the following publication:

James, K.M., Owens, M., Woody, M.L., Hall, N.T., & Gibb, B.E., (in press) Parental expressed emotion-criticism and neural markers of sustained attention to emotional faces in children. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.

The study was covered in a number of media outlets including the Press and Sun Bulletin, Child Trends, Neuroscience News, Medical Xpress, and Science Daily.


Binghamton University issued a press release describing the following publication:

Woody, M. L., Feurer, C., Sosoo, E., Hastings, P. D., & Gibb, B. E. (2016). Physiological synchrony during mother-child interaction: Moderation by maternal history of major depressive disorder. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. Published online 4/19/16.

The study was covered in a number of media outlets including, Medical Xpress, The Medical News, ScienceNewsline, and Newsroom America


Our research was highlighted as the cover story for the Spring 2016 issue of Binghamton University Magazine.


Graduate student Mary Woody’s research (Woody et al., 2016, Clinical Psychological Science) was highlighted in a story in the Wall Street Journal on considerations in stopping antidepressant medication.


Binghamton University issued a video press release describing the following publication:
Burkhouse, K.L., Siegle, G.J., Woody, M.L., Kudinova, A., & Gibb, B.E. (2015). Pupillary reactivity to sad stimuli as a biomarker of depression risk: Evidence from a prospective study of children. Journal of Abnormal Psychology.


Binghamton University issued a video press release describing the following publication:

Woody, M. L., Owens, M., Burkhouse, K. L., & Gibb, B. E. (2016). Selective attention toward angry faces and risk for major depressive disorder in women: Converging evidence from retrospective and prospective analyses. Clinical Psychological Science.

The study was covered by a number of media outlets including Huffington Post, Marie Claire, the Daily Mail, the Metro, Medical Daily, Science Daily, and several others.


Katie Burkhouse’s dissertation, “Neural and physiological indices of emotional reactivity in adolescent depression”, was featured in a story on the local news channel 34.


Our grant, “Children’s Attentional Biases: A Key Component of Negative Valence Systems” (R01 MH098060) was featured in a story on the local news channel Fox 40 WICZ.