Kristina Marty
Collegiate Professor of Hinman College; Professor
Kristina Marty is the senior associate dean of the college and professor of public administration. She has worked for a variety of organizations including a public housing authority, county government and a nonprofit organization. Her research focuses on the management of health and human service organizations which assist individuals meet basic needs, including in crisis situations. In addition, she has used her research to reflect on what it means to be teacher in an applied field and has published several articles examining university-based civic engagement efforts. More recently, she has begun exploring leadership and gender dynamics in her scholarship. Her work appears in a variety prominent public administration, nonprofit, public policy, and higher education teaching journals including Public Administration Review, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Nonprofit Management and Leadership, The American Review of Public Administration, Administration & Society, Public Performance & Management Review, Journal of Public Affairs Education, Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement and others. She and Anna Amirkhanyan have also co-authored the book Citizen Participation in the Age of Contracting: When Service Delivery Trumps Democracy, published by Routledge Press.
Marty is an associate editor for Public Administration Review, currently serves on the editorial boards for Nonprofit Management and Leadership and The American Review of Public Administration and reviews for numerous other journals. She has received the best article award twice from the Journal of Public Affairs Education.
- PhD, MPA, Syracuse University
- BA, Dartmouth College
Research Interests
- Management of Health and Human Service Organizations
- Contracting Out
- Organizational and Program Performance
- Constituent Engagement
- University-Based Civic Engagement
- Gender and Public Management