What is Bearcat Living?
The Bearcat Living model intentionally embraces the educational potential of residential
living. Binghamton University residents will be able to connect with others, become
active members of the community, discover and appreciate differences and act with
a sense of personal responsibility.
The goals of Bearcat Living are to:
- Create an intentional approach to residential living/learning, building upon the skills
students are learning.
- Capitalize on the skills and talents of Residential Life staff and campus partners.
- Focus on the primary responsibilities of the area staff to encompass three broad themes.
The three themes of B-Connected are Community, Growth, and Independence. Each theme
has its own set of objectives and outcomes achieved by completing the activities outlined
in our facilitation guides.
It is Residential Life’s goal to engage with residents to build strong communities
within which students can experience a sense of belonging. Belonging is the feeling
that members of a group or community matter to one another and the group/community
(Strayhorn, 2019). This theme focuses on what we do to support students’ finding
their community/ies on campus and what we want students to learn about being a part
of a community and from being part of a community.
- Residents will be able to build relationships within and beyond their residential
- Residents will be able to participate in their community by engaging in activities
that demonstrate their commitment to community members.
- Residents will be able to recognize their rights and responsibilities as members of
a community.
Personal growth is a process of ongoing development to improve oneself and to achieve
one’s goals. Personal growth encompasses physical well-being, mental well-being,
emotional well being, and academic success. Physical well-being serves as a foundation
for all aspects of personal growth; it includes such things as healthy eating, healthy
activity, and healthy sleep habits. Mental well-being contributes to overall personal
growth due to its relationship to one’s ability to learn and to thrive. Mental well-being
encompasses things such as stress management, coping strategies, and resilience.
Emotional well-being is closely related to mental well-being and encompasses aspects
such as self-awareness, healthy relationships, and sense of purpose. Academic success
is the identification, clarification, and achievement of one’s educational goals and
preparation for one’s post-college goals. It includes skill development, content mastery,
motivation, and the ability to apply one’s learning to real-world situations.
- Residents will be able to access campus resources related to their personal growth
(physical, mental, emotional, and academic success) needs
- Residents will be able to participate in and demonstrate stress management techniques
- Residents will be able to create a plan for participating in healthy behaviors and
The independence theme is what is commonly called “adulting”. It refers to the transition
from adolescence to adulthood to take on responsibility for oneself. This theme deals
with the skills and responsibilities that are necessary to navigate adult life. Independence
is behaving in a mature and responsible manner in handling tasks and responsibilities.
It includes independent problem-solving and the use of available resources to support
and aid in solving problems.
● Residents will be able to solve some problems independently
● Residents will be able to match campus resources to their needs
● Residents will be able to perform basic life skills safely
Bearcat Living Vocabulary
- Educational PriorityThe department’s overarching objectives for student learning and skill development
within the residence halls.
- Learning Goal A more specific statement that articulates what students will learn. Guided by our
educational priority and university mission.
- OutcomeAssessment term describing what a resident should take away from each objective.
- StrategyA method that Residential Life staff use to engage residents and achieve learning
- TraditionsCommunity-specific activities that area governments or Residential Life professional
staff manage.
- Assessment Gathering data to determine whether Bearcat Living is meeting its goals, and using
that data to improve Bearcat Living and the residential experience.
Bearcat Living Strategies
- Floor MeetingA gathering of the floor/building or community.
- Bearcat GatheringsSmall informal social activities to connect residents with one another in the community.
- Social MediaUsed for departmental posts.
- Passive ResourcesEducational bulletin boards, bathroom reader, door hangers, resources/programming
attendance at other departments, process advertisement, lobby TV, tabling, giveaways,
- Community BuildersStructured social activities planned for a floor of a residence hall, a building or
the larger community.