New First-year Student Housing 2025-2026

Welcome to the new student housing process!

This process is for new Fall 2025- Spring 2026 academic first-year students. 

The online housing sign-up process happens in TWO parts:

Part 1 - Registration and group formation - Begins April 8

Part 2 - Select your room - Room selection takes place in June

Tips for success

  • Read all the information on this web page. Check back often for updates.
  • Pay attention to your Binghamton University email. This is the way we will communicate with you throughout this process.
  • Be mindful of details and deadlines.
  • If you don't understand something, ask questions. You can call 607-777-2321 or email Residential Life for assistance. Asking your questions early will allow us to best assist you. 
  • Don't put pressure on yourself to find a roommate or to be part of a group for room selection. It is ok to sign-up to sign up as an individual.  Many students choose to do so and end up having great experiences.
  • Keep an open mind about where you live. All of our communities have something special to offer.
  • In the end, you define your experience and can have an amazing one wherever and with whomever you live! 

Housing Type 

When starting the housing application, all students are required to select their Housing Type. Binghamton University offers two types of housing: 

Housing Type 1: Housing based on Gender Identity

  • If you choose this housing type you will only be able to pair with roommates, form groups and choose rooms with others who share the same gender identity. 
    Information regarding gender identity and how to enter your gender identity with the university is available on the Student Records website. 

Housing Type 2: All Gender Housing

  • If you choose this housing type you will pair with roommates to share living space including a bedroom, form groups and live with others who may or may not share the same gender identity; with the intention of creating a welcoming environment for all.
  • If you select All Gender Housing you agree to live with a direct roommate of any gender identity within your bedroom. Students who only want to share a bedroom and/or living space with others of the same gender identity should select Housing Type 1.


  • Make sure to choose the housing type that is right for you.  When it comes to room selection there are no advantages or disadvantages to choosing one housing type over another.
  • When searching for roommates in the housing portal, you will only be able to find and pair with others who have selected the same housing type.
  • During room selection you will only see rooms that match your housing type.
  • Prior to the start of room selection you may return to the housing application to make changes to your housing type.
  • We strongly encourage you to be certain of your housing type decision prior to selecting your room.   

Sign-up Process Instructions

The online housing sign-up process happens in TWO parts:

Part 1 – registration and group formation begins April 8

  • READ and AGREE to the University Housing Agreement 
    Provide emergency contact information
  • Choose your housing type (Type 1 - Housing Based on Gender Identity or Type 2 - All Gender Housing)
  • Consider if you are interested in any of our specialty housing options and submit the necessary agreements/applications
  • Complete your profile
  • Decide if you are signing up as an individual, with a roommate or as part of a group
  • If signing up with others use the roommate search and group formation tools in the portal to identify potential roommates and form groups

If signing up as an individual you do not need to participate in group formation.  Remember signing up as an individual is a great option and you do not need to feel pressure to find a roommate or group.

Part 2: Select your room - Room Selection takes place in June.
In this step you will actually select your room. Before you begin this step you must complete Part 1. 

  • Time Slots for room selection will be sent to your Binghamton University email address prior to the start of room selection. Please do not contact Residential Life to request a different time slot. Time slots are randomly generated and cannot be changed.
  • During your time slot you will go back into the housing portal and select your room.
  • Prior to the start of room selection you will want to check out the available beds link which will be posted on this page prior to the start of room selection.  This will allow you to view available beds prior to going into the portal to select your room.
  • It is helpful to have several room and community options in mind before going into the portal.
  • Once you have selected a room there are no room changes until the room change process opens at the start of the fall semester.

Helpful hints for room selection 

  • Familiarize yourself with our communities, the housing options and room rates available to you in each community. Have several buildings/communities in mind before going into the portal to select your room.
  • Decide ahead of time if you are interested in specialty housing, and be sure you have signed the appropriate agreement. Specialty Housing options will only be available to you if you have signed the agreement. If signing up with a roommate or group, be sure everyone has signed the agreement.
  • Make sure the Housing Type you have selected is the best one for you.  Remember, students who choose Housing Type 2 - are agreeing to live with and create a welcoming environment for a roommate (the person you share your bedroom with) as well as suite or flatmates.
  • If you are signing up with a roommate or as part of a group keep the following in mind:
    • This process is for new first year students only.  Therefore you will only be able to find and pair with other new first year students.
    • To sign up together, you must select each other in the portal to form  and verify your group. Once formed the group leader will verify the group by clicking on the verify group button on the roommate selection page. This must be done by midnight the night before your room selection time slot. Keep in mind that you are not considered to be in a group with someone until that group is formed in the portal.
    • Whoever has the earliest time slot should be made the group leader. The group leader will house everyone in the group. To change the group leader, the current leader must return to the group formation page in the portal and make the change.
    • Pairing as roommates or forming a group does not guarantee room availability with the total vacancies needed. Be prepared for the possibility that you will have to sign into a room as an individual even if you are a part of a group. 
  • If you are signing up by yourself and select a room where one bed is already occupied, you can view the profile of the person who is already assigned to the room. To see someone’s profile click on the magnifying glass that appears next to the room on the room selection screen. 
  • There are no room changes during this process, so be sure you are in the right building/room before you finalize your selection. Once you have placed yourself in a bed you are finished.       

Group Formation

If you are opting to sign up as an individual, you do not need to participate in group formation.

If you are signing up with a roommate or as part of a group, you will need to form or accept an invitation to join a group in the housing portal by Friday, June 6.

Forming a group does not guarantee you will find vacant space that will match your group size during room selection. 

If you do opt to sign up as part of a group, make sure your group is communicating with each other, that everyone is in agreement about your housing plan and most importantly, have back up plans in the event your group needs to split up or consider another area during room selection. Remember, you are not actually in a group until that group has been formed in the portal.

To form a group:

    • All members of the group must have registered by logging into the housing portal and agreeing to the University Housing Agreement.
    • Choose a GROUP LEADER. The group leader will create a group in the housing portal and invite others to join the group. The group leader will also be responsible for housing everyone in the group.
    • All GROUP MEMBERS must accept the invitation to join the group.
    • If you form a group and then change your plans, the group leader can delete the group. Individuals can also leave the group at any time.
  • Once you form or join a group you will no longer be visible to other students searching for roommates in the portal
  • The group leader can be changed at any point prior to room selection.
  • For room selection, you will want to make the person with the earliest time slot the group leader.

Remember, forming a group does not guarantee you will find vacant space that will match your group size during room selection. 

If you opt to sign up as part of a group, make sure your group is communicating with each other and that everyone is in agreement about your housing plan. Most importantly, have back up plans in the event your group needs to split up or consider another area during room selection.

Group sizes

You may form a group of 2 - 6 people.

If a group does not fill a space (flat/suite) the remaining vacancies will be available for selection by other students.

Regardless of group sizes, students are not permitted to contact others to request someone move or not select a particular space.  Students who engage in this behavior will be reassigned to a different space and are not guaranteed to be reassigned with their roommate/group or within their preferred community.

Community configuration

Each community offers various room configurations. Below you will find the room configurations to help you determine your best housing option. 


  • Corridor-style double room
  • Designed triple room-limited availability 


  • 5 person-flats (2 double rooms, 1 single room)
  • Designed triple room with a private bathroom (limited availability)
  • Corridor-style double with a private bathroom (limited availability)
  • Corridor style double (Old Digman and Old Rafuse)


  • 6 person suites (3 double rooms per suite - most suites)
  • 4 person suite (2 double rooms in the suite-VERY limited availability)


  • 6 person suites (3 double rooms per suite - most suites)
  • 4 person suite (2 double rooms in the suite-VERY limited availability)
  • Designed triple room with a private bathroom (limited availability)


  • Corridor-style double room
  • Designed triple room with a private bathroom (limited availability)          

First-Year Requirement 

All first-year students, regardless of credit hours earned, are required to live in University housing for their first academic year. Local students (those with an established permanent residence within a 45-mile radius of Binghamton University) are exempt from this requirement. Students 21 and older and students who are married are also exempt from this requirement. Students seeking an exception should email

Housing Accommodations 

Binghamton University is committed to achieving equal educational opportunity and full participation for students with disabilities. Students with documented disabilities who require an accommodation in order to fully participate in the residential component of their college experience may apply for housing accommodations through Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD). Housing accommodations include, but are not limited to, visual fire alarms, first-floor rooms, elevator access, bed-height adjustments, climate control, single-rooms, and wheelchair accessible bathrooms. Residential Life has the most flexibility to work with and meet accommodations for students who apply for and receive their accommodation at least 30 days prior to the start of room selection. The SSD office will continue to accept and review housing accommodation requests beyond this timeline, but fulfillment will be based on availability. Students applying/re-applying for a housing accommodation must also participate in the housing process. For complete information, go to the Services for Students with Disabilities Housing Accommodations web page. 

Binghamton University Scholars Program

Binghamton University Scholars are required to live in scholars' housing located in Broome Hall (Newing College) with scholar roommates. If you are a Binghamton University Scholar who plans to pair with a roommate, you will need to make sure that your intended roommate is also a scholar. When completing your profile, be sure to mention that you are a Binghamton University Scholar. Remember, even though you are required to live in Scholars' housing you will need to participate in a room selection to select your room. 

Nursing Learning Community 

Incoming first-year nursing students are strongly encouraged to live in the NLC, but please note that space is limited. Students wishing to opt out of living in the NLC must contact Decker's Division of Advising and Academic Excellence at 607-777-4954 or by June 6.