Contact Us

Contact the CARE Team

General inquiries will be handled from 8:30 a.m.– 4 p.m. weekdays







Reception Area: UUW 204

CARE Team Suite: UUW 207

Office is located down the hall from the Bookstore and Vision's Credit Union and next to the Dean of Students Suite.

Schedule an appointment

Call or email to schedule an appointment (see contact information above), or complete a CARE Team referral on behalf of yourself. If you submit a self referral you will receive an outreach email within 1-2 business days. Enter your B# in the email to gain access to resources and a direct link to schedule a meeting with your case manager.

Already have a case manager? Contact them directly to schedule an appointment.


Go to our reception area (UUW 204) and check-in at the front desk. Fill out the intake form. Have a seat and a case manager will assist you shortly.

Meet the CARE Team