Our commitment to diversity

The CARE Team supports its mission by serving students of all experiences and identities at Binghamton University. In order to care for students, the CARE Team acknowledges that marginalized students are often affected by systems of power and privilege.

The CARE Team recognizes that Binghamton University students have various identities which include but are not limited to: age, disability, ethnicity, race, nationality, gender expression, sexual orientations, socio-economic status and religion/creed. The CARE Team acknowledges that these identities intersect with other identities and make learning at Binghamton University challenging.

The CARE Team staff is made up of professionals from different backgrounds, identities and experiences. As a team, we work actively to expand our awareness and competencies to continuously improve how we serve the Binghamton University student population. We recognize that this work of improving is never complete and requires continuous expansion of our professional development. We welcome your feedback.  

The CARE Team believes that students should have the ability to speak their truths, and thus works to create spaces where students feel safe to express themselves. Students experiencing any type of challenges including acts of bias and discrimination are welcomed to seek support through our office. If a student is interested in reporting, the CARE Team can provide support in the reporting process with other campus partners such as the Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, the Multicultural Resource Center, the Q Center, and more.

Annual sponsorships:

  • Q-Center's RainbowFest
  • Q-Center's Gay-La Event
  • International Students and Scholars Coffee Hour


The CARE Team is dedicated to fostering collaboration through participation, partnerships, and impactful presentations and panels. The following is not a comprehensive list of all the ways that CARE Team supports diversity and equity on campus.

  • MRC Mixer Event
  • International Orientation and Resource Fair and Parent Panel
  • DDEI Inaugural Juneteenth Celebration
  • Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics
  • DDEI Pride Flag Raising Ceremony
  • University Mental Health Sub-committee
  • Cultural Community Coalition
  • TRIO Mentor Program
  • Bias Incident Reporting Team (BIRT)
  • LGBTQ+ Community Health Scholars Celebration  
  • Services for Students with Disabilities "Donut be Afraid to ask for Help"