Our People


Associate Director

headshot of Chou-Yu Tsai

Chou-Yu Tsai

Osterhout Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship

School of Management

Research Interests

  • Entrepreneurship and leadership
  • Strategic leadership and human capital resource emergence
  • Leader emergence in virtual teams
  • Leadership in coaching and robotic technology
  • Research methods
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Faculty Fellows

headshot of Bryan P. Acton

Bryan P. Acton

Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior and Leadership

School of Management

Research Interests

  • Leadership emergence
  • Measurement of leadership perceptions
  • Leadership identity
  • Agent-based modeling & simulation
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headshot of Andre Havrylyshyn

Andre Havrylyshyn

Assistant Professor of Strategic Management

School of Management

Research Interests

  • Strategic leadership and governance
  • Corporate governance
  • Diversity & inclusion
  • Gender and management
  • CEO succession
  • Emergence
  • Management challenges in Eastern Europe
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headshot of Matthew Lyle

Matthew Lyle

Assistant Professor in Strategy

School of Management

Research Interests

  • Multilevel processes associated with strategic uses of the past 
  • Social cognitive processes 
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headshot of Hiroki Sayama

Hiroki Sayama

SUNY Distinguished Professor

School of Systems Science and Industrial Engineering

Research Interests

  • Complex systems
  • Complex dynamical networks
  • Human and social dynamics
  • Artificial life/chemistry
  • Interactive systems
  • Complex systems education
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Doctoral Students