B-Engaged FAQ's

Get involved right on your phone!

Download the free app for B-Engaged, called 'CampusGroups,' to start joining clubs and organizations, exploring events and more!

With the click of a few buttons, this easy-to-use online hub connects students with over 500 University-recognized clubs, groups and organizations. Students can also explore, and quickly register for, countless office-hosted events, programs and activities in the system.

B-Engaged offers University offices and departments a unique opportunity to promote, and increase awareness of their events, as well as easily track event attendees, curate mailing lists, send engaging newsletters, deploy feedback surveys and beyond. 

Download Instructions

1. Find 'CampusGroups' in the App or Google Play store
2. Download and choose 'Binghamton University'
3. Login with your Binghamton email and follow the prompts to confirm your email.

You're in! Enjoy, explore and stay connected.

B-Engaged FAQ's