Conduct Outcomes

Sanctions imposed are based on a consideration of several factors including but not limited to:

  • The nature of the violation
  • The severity of the damage, injury, or harm resulting from the behavior
  • The student’s past disciplinary history
  • Mitigating and aggravating factors  

Have questions about specific sanctions? Search through the  Sanctioning Guidelines for in depth information about each possible scenario.

Guidelines Preparing for an Appeal

Keep the following in mind:

  1. An appeal must be submitted in writing.
  2. An appeal must be written by the student charged.
  3. An appeal must be submitted to the Office of Student Conduct within five working business days except in cases of suspension or expulsion when the appeal must be submitted within 10 working business days, after receiving notification of the outcome of the hearing.
  4. Failure to appeal within the allotted time will render the original decision final and conclusive. Late appeals are not accepted.
  5. The appeals process is an administrative process.
  6. Appeals are decided upon the record of the original proceedings and upon written materials submitted by both parties. An appeal is not a rehearing of the case.
  7. Students are notified of the outcome of the appeal by letter.

Find the full Appeals Guide here.

Possible Outcomes

Educational Conversation

An educational conversation may take place between the student and the Student Conduct Administrator. No determination is made regarding if the student is responsible for a violation of University policy, and there is no sanction indicated on the student’s record. An educational conversation is an opportunity to clarify the University's expectations of students and remedy behavior that may potentially violate the Code of Student Conduct in the future.

Educational Interventions — E Checkup To Go

An open, nonjudgmental and friendly resource entirely staffed by students who are trained to assist them through your experience.

The programs that are offered in the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (ATOD) office are evidence based and focused on each student's individual motivations to change. The services focus on alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco. While these services do not focus on addiction treatment, staff would be happy to help connect students to additional resources for anyone looking for more intensive care.

When a student takes the echeck up to go program they can expect to receive feedback on: 

  • Individual Use Patterns
  • Specific Health and Personal Consequences
  • Unique Personal and Family Risk Factors
  • Campus and Community Support and Emergency Services

Conduct Warning

A conduct warning is an official acknowledgement that one or more rules have been violated and considered a low-level sanction. A conduct warning serves as a notice to a student that the behavior is counter to the expectations in the Code of Student Conduct.

Disciplinary Probation

Disciplinary probation is a serious and active response to a violation of rules and may include educational sanctions or other requirements as a term of the probation. This is imposed for serious violations or a pattern of violations of the Code of Student Conduct. Probation is for a designated period of time and includes the probability of more severe disciplinary sanctions if the student is found responsible for further violations of the Code of Student Conduct during the probationary period. While on probation, students may be ineligible to receive certain University awards or scholarships. At the discretion of campus offices and programs, students on probation may be ineligible for employment and/or participation in certain campus programs.

Loss of Privileges

Loss of privileges is the loss of specified privileges such as use of a particular facility, visitation to a residence hall, housing priority and contact with an individual or other privileges for a designated period of time. Housing relocation or removal from University housing can be applied as a sanction. Students who have a serious violation of the community standards set in the Code of Student Conduct or the housing license, or because of a series of breaches of the community standards in the Residence Halls will be asked to relocate or leave all University Housing. Removal from housing typically includes the loss or visitation privileges to specific residential areas and penalty of forfeiting room and board charges for the semester in which the disciplinary action occurs.


Restitution may include payment to an individual or to the University to cover the cost of damage, destruction, defacement, theft or unauthorized use of property.


Relocation is the reassignment of a student from one living space to another.

Final Probation

Final probation is imposed only in very serious cases or cases where students are currently under a significant sanction. Final probation may include removal from all University housing and loss of visitation privileges to buildings or areas of campus, and is imposed for a specified period of time. Students found responsible for any further violation of the Code of Student Conduct while on final probation may be suspended or expelled from the University.


Suspension is the separation of the student from the University for a definite period of time, after which the student is eligible to return. Conditions for readmission may be specified. Students who have been suspended are unable to register for and attend classes or be present on University property without specific, written permission of the Dean of Students.


Expulsion is the permanent separation of the student from the University. Students who have been expelled may not be on campus without specific, written permission of the Dean of Students.