Campus Research Opportunity Postings (CROP)

Research Opportunities

Customized Image Analysis


Project description: Analyze time-lapse microscopy images of living cells, including imaging registration, segmentation, cell tracking, intensity quantification, and morphology analysis.

Task: Write programs to process time-lapse images.

Responsibilities: Write programs and communicate with team members to understand the dynamic needs of image variations.

Student may either earn credit or serve as volunteers. The position is open to all majors who have the skill set.

Faculty Advisor: Yizeng Li, Assistant Professor

Academic Department: Biomedical Engineering


Classification: For Credit

Position Availability:

  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Fall
  • Winter


  • Freshman
  • Sophomore
  • Junior
  • Senior

Appropriate Major(s):

  • All Majors

Minimum GPA (if applicable):

Pre-requisite coursework/experience: Fluent programming skills in either Python or Matlab. Familiar with digital images. Familiar with common algorithms of image analysis.

Application Deadline: Ongoing

Application Procedure:

Submit your CV, transcript, and a sample code of imaging analysis to Yizeng Li,