Childhood Education

Jennifer Gordon
Associate Professor
CCPA Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership
Research Interests
- Qualitative research methodology, race and social justice
- School reform initiatives including the charter movement
Early Childhood Education

Elizabeth M. Anderson
Associate Professor
CCPA Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership
Research Interests
- Integrating a community schools approach with an expanded Multi-Tiered System of Supports framework to support students, families and communities
- How to improve the alignment and integration of programs and services by strengthening university-school-community partnerships.
Educational Foundations

Lightning Jay
Assistant Professor
CCPA Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership
Research Interests
- Supporting students to engage in authentic, rigorous, and student-centered historical discourse.
- Facilitating the development of social studies teachers.
- Understanding teacher education pedagogy and teachers' development of adaptive expertise.
Education Minor

David Archer
Lecturer, Undergraduate Minor Coordinator
CCPA Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership
Research Interests
- Understanding what leads to individuals reaching peak performance as students and as athletes
- Skills and concepts of Leadership
Educational Leadership

Suzanne McLeod
Lecturer and Coordinator of Educational Leadership
CCPA Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership

Michelle Feyerabend

Mary Roland
CCPA Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership
English Education

Matthew L. McConn
Associate Professor, Executive Assistant Dean; TRIP Courtesy Title
CCPA Dean's Office; Translation Research and Instruction Program (TRIP)
Research Interests
- The impact of standards on teacher development for the teaching of literary appreciation
- The professional development of teaching English in secondary schools
- The processes of change in secondary English teachers’ perceptions regarding the purposes of teaching literature.
Literacy Education

Marla H. Mallette
Associate Professor
CCPA Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership
Research Interests
- understanding the role of teachers’ and students’ beliefs about literacy learning
- teacher expectations
- early literacy learning
- literacy instruction and intervention
- mixed methods research in literacy

Bogum Yoon
CCPA Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership
Research Interests
- Critical literacies
- Critical global literacies
- Critical analysis of children’s and youth literature
- Cultural pluralism
- Positional identities
- Language and literacy theories into practice
- Development of literacy frameworks
- Teacher education for immigrant students and English language learners

Mary J. Visser
CCPA Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership
Research Interests
- The role of school principals in K-12 literacy learning
Mathematics Education

Amber Simpson
Associate Professor; Co-Assistant Director
CCPA Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership; Binghamton University Center for Community Schools
Research Interests
- Examining individual’s identity(ies) in one or more STEM disciplines
- Understanding the role of making and tinkering in formal and informal learning environments
- Investigating family engagement in and interactions around STEM-related activities
- Examining spontaneous and humanistic approaches to mathematics through other fields such as archaeology and engineering
- Utilizing self-study methodology to examine her own practices as an educator and researcher
Mental Health in Schools

Elizabeth Mellin
Associate Professor
CCPA Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership
Research Interests
- School-family-community partnerships to expand support for student
- Trauma-informed education and mental health support in schools
- Strategies to strengthen interprofessional collaboration in education and mental health
Science Education

Thomas P. O'Brien
CCPA Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership
Research Interests
- BSCS 5E “intelligent” CIA model (Engage-Explore-Explain-Elaborate-Evaluate)
- Real-world relevant FUNomena-first, discrepant events and Science Technology-Society issues
- Cognitive, evolutionary and social psychology
- Pre-service and in-service science teacher professional development
- 360-degree, transformational K-12 educational leadership for all school stakeholders
Special Education

Loretta Mason-Williams
Director of the Community Research and Action, PhD Program; Associate Professor
CCPA CRA PhD Program; CCPA Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership
Research Interests
- Critical quantitative research
- Issues related to the teacher supply demand and preparation of well-prepared teachers
- Equitable education

Nicole S. Fenty
TLEL Department Chair, Associate Professor
CCPA Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership
Research Interests
- Students with or at risk for disabilities in reading teacher education and special education
- Increased access to the general education curriculum for students with or at risk for learning disabilities

Hyejung Kim
Assistant Professor
CCPA Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership
Research Interests
- Intersectionality of multi-layered vulnerabilities including dis/abilities
- Educational equity
- Students with autism and other neurodevelopmental dis/abilities
- Postsecondary transition from high school to adulthood
No profile found.

Kathryn Meyer
CCPA Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership

Candace A. Mulcahy
Associate Professor
CCPA Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership
Research Interests
- Education policies and practices that apply to students with disabilities in segregated settings, including corrections
- Discipline and behavior support in schools
- Teacher knowledge and development related to academic and behavioral interventions
Social Studies Education

Adam Laats
CCPA Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership
Research Interests
- History of American education
- Cultural battles over schooling and school reform
- Examination of campaigns of conservative evangelical Protestants in both K-12 and higher education
- History of creation/evolution debates
- Evolution of conservative thinking about K-12 education
- Examining the first systematic attempt at urban school reform in American history

Hoe Kyeung Kim
Associate Professor; TRIP Courtesy Title
CCPA Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership; Translation Research and Instruction Program (TRIP)
Research Interests
- Teacher education and assessment
- L2 writing
- Bilingual and Multilingualism
- Korean L2 learning
- Educational technology

Beth Clark-Gareca
Associate Professor
CCPA Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership
Professional Staff

Rhonda Branca
Director of Lyceum
CCPA Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership

Beth Powell
Director of the New York State Master Teacher Program
CCPA Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership

Haley Irvine
Online Academic Advisor and Clinical Field Coordinator
CCPA Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership

Amy Humphrey
Liberty Partnership Director
Liberty Partnerships Program

Christina Mack
Director of Recruitment and Admissions
CCPA Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership

Jo Malin
Educational Talent Search Project Director
Educational Talent Search Program

Noel Merritt
TESOL Coordinator
CCPA Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership

Heidi Nevgloski
Administrative Assistant
CCPA Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership; Notaries Public

Kateri A Reagan
Associate Director of Student Services
CCPA Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership