Summer 2023
Term 1
- WGSS 281S - "Women's Work: Gender and Labor"
Instructor: Rachel Fomalhaut - WGSS 281 - "Cybernetic Gender in Social Media"
Instructor: Zach Wagner
Term 2
- WGSS 281B/ANTH 280D - "Men and Masculinities"
Instructor: Nathan Klembara - WGSS 281G - "Gender, Race, and American Society"
Instructor: Ariadne Dubus
Spring 2023
- WGSS 200 - "Introduction to Women, Gender, and Sexuality" (CRN 26511/35029)
- WGSS 282A - "LGBTQ History" (CRN 27810)
- WGSS 382C - "Literature of North Africa and the Middle East" (CRN 26719)
- WGSS 383B - "Christ & Jews in Islamic Spain" (CRN 27835)
- WGSS 383F - "LGBTQ Antiquity" (CRN 34506)
- WGSS 383G - "From Bombay to Bollywood" (CRN 34659)
- WGSS 384I - "Language and Gender" (CRN 35071)
- WGSS 481A - "Feminist and Diasporic Perf. Art" (CRN 28588)
- WGSS 481C - "Queer Critical Legal Theory and Law" (CRN 29785)
- WGSS 483F - "Trans-National Journeys: Dreams" (CRN 34568)
- WGSS 483G - "Specters of Colonialism" (CRN 34585)
- WGSS 483H - "Women Who Say No" (CRN 34862)
Winter 2023
- WGSS 281A - "Feminist Theory" (CRN 10129)
- WGSS 282D - "East Asian/American Women's Experience" (CRN 10131)
- WGSS 284C - "Women and Witchcraft" (CRN 10127)
Fall 2022
- WGSS 200 - "Introduction to Women, Gender, and Sexuality" (CRN 25591)
- WGSS 210 - "Women in Film: World Cultures" (CRN 33457)
- WGSS 221 - "Sexuality and Society" (CRN 25570)
- WGSS 282C - "Activism, Feminism, and Social Justice" (CRN 29516)
- WGSS 283C - "Disability On-Screen" (CRN 33112)
- WGSS 283D - "Youth and Pop Culture in North Africa" (CRN 27170)
- WGSS 283E - "Fairy Tales in Social History" (CRN 33379)
- WGSS 300 - "Exploring Queer Lives" (CRN 31553)
- WGSS 380A - "American Civics and Feminism" (CRN 32827)
- WGSS 381A - "Latin American Sexualities" (CRN 32831)
- WGSS 383B - "Race & Gender in Arab American Literature" (CRN 27638)
- WGSS 383E - "Russia's Defiant Women" (CRN 33320)
- WGSS 383F - "Consumption and Fashion" (CRN 33439)
- WGSS 384B - "Psychology of Gender" (CRN 27411)
- WGSS 384E - "The Sociology of Reproduction" (CRN 30298)
- WGSS 384G - "Psychology of Racism" (CRN 33620)
- WGSS 481A - "Contemporary Ecologies" (CRN 29258)
- WGSS 483A - "N.African Women Writers and Film" (CRN 29291)
- WGSS 483C - "21st Century Longings: In Transit" (CRN 30457)
- WGSS 483E - "Media in the Global South" (CRN 33435)
Summer 2022
- WGSS 280A - "Queer Studies" (CRN 16211)
- WGSS 281B - "Men and Masculinities" (CRN 15668 & 16055)
Spring 2022
- WGSS 200 - "Introduction to Women, Gender, and Sexuality" (CRN 26511)
- WGSS 205 - "Women's Lives S.Asia and Diaspora" (CRN 34155)
- WGSS 281B - "Feminist Theory" (CRN 28686)
- WGSS 282A - "LGBTQ History" (CRN 27810)
- WGSS 282F - "Activism, Feminism, & Social Justice" (CRN 33506)
- WGSS 283A - "Gender & Sexuality in S. Asia" (CRN 28677)
- WGSS 284C - "Sex in American History" (CRN 34112)
- WGSS 383B - "Relig Harmony in Islamic Spain" (CRN 27835)
- WGSS 383E - "Women Artists Europe 1500-1800" (CRN 31070)
- WGSS 384A - "Informal Cities" (CRN 26687)
- WGSS 384A - "Women in the Modern US" (CRN 34024)
- WGSS 384B - "Prisoner Writings and Activism" (CRN 33723)
- WGSS 384C - "US War on Drugs and Latin America" (CRN 30580)
- WGSS 384E - "Gender and Work" (CRN 33563)
- WGSS 384F - "Informal Cities" (CRN 34337)
- WGSS 463 - "Sexuality Studies Seminar" (CRN 32863)
- WGSS 480G - "Gendered Approach to AP" (CRN 28842)
- WGSS 481C - "Queer Critical Legal Theory and Law" (CRN 29785)
- WGSS 483B - "Health, Medicine, Body in FIlm" (CRN 28760)
- WGSS 484A - "Global Black Girlhoods" (CRN 28474)
- WGSS 484C - "Gender and Feminist Archaeology" (CRN 33734)