If you have a bachelor's degree and want to take graduate courses or undergraduate
courses without pursuing a graduate degree:
You must apply for admission to Winter Session through the Graduate School, and you
must be formally admitted before you can register for winter courses.
- Submit the Graduate School Non-Degree Application.
- The application fee is $50.
- The application is very short and is completed online.
- Applicants must also submit a hard copy of their official, final undergraduate transcript.
The transcript must verify conferral of the bachelor's degree.
- Undergraduate courses taken while a student is enrolled as a graduate student will
show on a graduate transcript, it will carry no grade points and will not count in
a graduate GPA, nor will it count toward the completion of a graduate degree. Credit
hours and the quality of work are indicated, but the letter grade is preceded by a
- Once you have been admitted, make sure to follow the instructions for new non-degree graduate students.