Funding and Resources

Community Engaged Teaching Fellows Program

The Community Engaged Teaching Fellows Program is a CCE academic support initiative that guides faculty in the design and implementation of effective community-engaged teaching and learning. A select group of fellows receives a stipend and meets monthly through the academic year to discern how academic service-learning courses and community-based scholarship can support their professional teaching and research goals. Interactive sessions will assist in fine-tuning theoretical frameworks, networking with like-minded faculty and community partners, and exploring best practices for community engagement. This program is open to instructors of every rank and discipline. Applications are now being accepted for the 2025–26 academic year cohort of fellows.

Community Engagement Faculty Teaching and Research Enrichment Grants

Community Engagement Faculty Teaching and Research Enrichment Grants support faculty with up to $3,000 in related project expenses that enrich community engagement. Applications are accepted for three unique tracks to support:

  1. teaching community-engaged learning (CEL) courses (i.e., a  student volunteer community engagement experience tied to student learning outcomes)
  2. course-based community-engaged research (i.e., students are engaged with a community partner doing project-based research that informs specific challenges being faced by the community)
  3. community-based research and scholarship (i.e., research designed and implemented in collaboration with a community partner).

These grants are meant to enhance community-based student learning outcomes, bolster academic scholarship and strengthen community partnerships.

Examples of allowable expenses include: student transportation to community project sites; honoraria for hosting community speakers/consultants; supplies and materials for events, teaching and research; and research stipends for students and community partners. Allocated funds will be distributed after the submission of receipts by the grantee. Receipts are required to be submitted within 20 days of expenditures. Having a CCE community-engaged learning (CEL) course designation is not a requirement when applying for the grant. However, seeking the CEL designation is an anticipated outcome for teaching and course-based research related grants (tracks 1 and 2). 

In addition to your grant funding request, we also highly recommend that you complete the section of the application "Community Partner Honorarium Request."  This funding is separate from your grant and is a direct contribution to a community organization for their efforts in partnering with faculty on community-engaged teaching and/or research.

Restrictions: Only one grant can be awarded to an individual faculty member in an academic year.

Community-Engaged Learning Course Development Stipends

A $1,000 stipend is available for developing a new or revised course that integrates community-engaged learning (CEL) and successfully obtains a CEL course designation.

A community-engaged learning course is a credit bearing class that requires active student participation and engagement that meet identified community challenges and opportunities and requires structured critical reflection tied to course learning outcomes.

CEL designated courses raise awareness about the significant effort being made by faculty, schools and departments on campus to enhance student learning and deepen university-community engagement, and allow students to make informed and intentional decisions in selecting courses that engage the community.


  1. a consultation meeting with the CCE faculty engagement associate when the stipend has been awarded and again when prepared to apply for the CEL course designation
  2. viewing and responding to prompts related to four community-engaged learning asynchronous workshops (the number of required workshops will be based on past experience with CEL)
  3. submitting a successful CEL course designation application

Restrictions: Faculty/instructors can only apply for one CEL Course Development Stipend per academic year. Previously approved CEL designated courses are not eligible for this stipend. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.  

Community Engagement Workshop Series and Events

The Center for Civic Engagement hosts workshops throughout the academic year on opportunities for funding, establishing and tracking community-based learning, teaching and research. These workshops provide an overview of what community-engaged teaching and research entails, how to establish or maintain community-based projects and how the CCE can support faculty engaging in this work. 

Faculty are also encouraged to attend the CCE’s annual events to connect with community partners, faculty and students interested in community-engaged teaching and research. Every Fall, we host our Community Opportunities Fair which invites community partners and service based campus offices and organizations to table and connect with interested faculty and students. In the Spring, we host the Community-Engaged Learning and Research Showcase, a poster session which  celebrates the impact of community-engaged learning or research resulting from strong partnerships between faculty, students and the community. 

Sign up for our faculty newsletter to receive information about these workshops, events, funding and resources. Refer to our newsletter archive for additional funding and support opportunities.