Community-Engaged Teaching

Community-engaged teaching takes many forms at Binghamton University, and the Center for Civic Engagement works to support the many faculty and staff members who already incorporate community engagement into their teaching, as well as those who are interested in learning more about Community-engaged learning and other high impact educational practices. The CCE works with faculty members from every discipline and all levels of experience to incorporate these practices across Binghamton University's campus.

Develop a community-engaged course

Whether you've just started to explore community-engaged teaching or you've been using the pedagogy for years and want to develop a new course, the CCE can help you think through the process.

» Learn about Developing a Community-Engaged Course.

Designate an engaged course

The American Association of Colleges & Universities has identified community-engaged learning as a high impact educational practice. As a nation-wide norm, colleges and universities designate community-engaged courses which meet agreed upon standards vetted by the field's expert practitioners and faculty members from their respective institutions.

At Binghamton University, Community-Engaged Learning (CEL) designated courses bring our institution closer to compliance with national engagement standards and eligibility for high level awards and recognitions. Designation of these courses raises awareness about the significant effort being made by faculty, schools and departments on campus to enhance student learning and deepen university-community engagement. Designation also allows students to make informed and intentional decisions in selecting courses that engage the community.

» Learn about CEL Course Designation.