Funding Opportunities

Financial Aid

Visit the Graduate School financial aid and funding webpage for comprehensive financial aid information.

Since public health is a division shared by the University's Decker College and Nursing and Health Sciences and the College of Community and Public Affairs (CCPA), public health students may be eligible for general scholarships awarded by CCPA.

Job Openings

Visit the Graduate School's Job Openings webpage for information about job opportunities on campus, including teaching and graduate assistantships. Students interested in current employment opportunities can search HireBING. Teaching assistantship (TA) and graduate assistantship (GA) positions require 16–20 hours of service per week and may be available through other departments. Public health students frequently participate in the Health Promotion and Prevention Services graduate assistantship. GAs and TAs are awarded a stipend. Full-time study is required. 

External Funding Opportunities

External funding opportunities can be found through the SOAR (Scholarship and Other Award Resources) database.