MPH Admitted Student Hub

Congratulations on your acceptance to Decker College of Nursing and Health Science's Master of Public Health (MPH) program.

The MPH Admitted Student Hub is designed to inform you of critical dates and requirements as you prepare to join the program. Check back regularly since we update content as new information becomes available.

Carefully review the information on all the pages in this hub since there are steps you must take to ensure you are prepared to begin the program. 

Important dates

  • Aug. 16, 2024 - Attend mandatory virtual MPH orientation (see below)
  • Aug. 19, 2024 - Attend new graduate student orientation, strongly recommended if you're new to Binghamton University (see below)
  • Aug. 20, 2024 - Classes begin

Review the Binghamton University academic calendar for important dates and deadlines.

Mandatory virtual MPH program orientation: Aug. 16, 2024

A mandatory VIRTUAL orientation for all MPH students will be held Aug. 16. Additional information, including how to register for the orientation, will be available in early August. At orientation, you'll have a chance to meet with MPH program director Yvonne Johnston and MPH faculty, staff and students. There will also be interactive activities and a Q&A session. Note: You must view pre-recorded orientation presentations and materials before the virtual orientation. You will be sent details about this via email in early August.

New graduate student orientation (presented by the Graduate School): Aug. 19, 2024 

Strongly recommended for all new graduate students starting in the fall semester, the New Graduate Student Orientation will discuss pathways for success in graduate school; review University-wide resources to enrich your academic experience and ensure the timely completion of your graduate degree; and present information about academic integrity, confidential problem-solving, managing your enrollment and accessing English Language Institute resources. Breakout meetings will offer information on the graduate experience. There will also be a session on human resources and related benefits for new graduate assistants (GAs) and teaching assistants (TAs). View the Graduate School Orientation schedule.

Interprofessional education and MPH

Interprofessional education (IPE) is important to professional growth and population outcomes. Binghamton University supports IPE education in healthcare-related professions. For the MPH curriculum, IPE begins in the spring semester of the first year. In preparation for IPE assignments, students will be provided access to the IPE Orientation module via the University's learning management system before the start of the spring semester. More information will be provided during the fall semester.

If you have a felony or child abuse conviction
Students who have a previous felony or child abuse conviction are advised that their prior criminal history may impede their ability to complete the requirements of certain academic programs and/or meet the licensure requirements of certain professions. Students with a prior criminal history should also be aware that agencies for clinical, field or internship experiences may require a background check. A prior criminal history may preclude participation in such experiences at these agencies. Students concerned about these restrictions are advised to contact the program director of their intended academic program.

Could you be considered an individual with a disability under the law?
The definition of disability is very broad under the law, and you may not realize you qualify for accommodations. If you have a diagnosis (physical, psychological, learning or other) that is impacting your academics OR if you received accommodations in high school, contact Binghamton University's Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) Office for a consultation to discuss potential equal-access accommodations. Read more about the guidelines for requesting accommodations.

Health requirements and fieldwork

Students entering MPH programs are required to complete fieldwork experiences. Specific health requirements must be met if the fieldwork experience occurs in a healthcare agency. Students should be aware that if their fieldwork is in a DOH-regulated facility, they will need to comply with the facility’s health requirements or they will not be allowed to complete their fieldwork at these agencies. In those cases, students must seek an alternative location for their fieldwork.