Research Opportunities for Students

At Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences, research and scholarship are at the core of our mission to advance nursing knowledge, improve nursing practice and patient outcomes, and develop the science of nursing education. Students — from undergraduates to doctoral students — have numerous opportunities to engage in research and collaborate with exceptional faculty-researchers.

NURS 499 Undergrad Research Seminar: Tobacco

The research focus is tobacco - use, cessation and other issues. Seminar nursing research practicum course available to all undergraduate students. The focus is on preparing the undergraduate nursing student to engage in research from planning to implementation to evaluation and presentation of results. Students will understand the cyclical process of theory, research, and practice, informing one another continuously. Students will collaborate with a faculty member to agree upon objectives unique to the faculty's current and future research and appropriate to the student's current experience and knowledge base. This is a 2 credit course offered during the fall and spring semesters.

NURS 499 Undergrad Research Seminar: Asthma

 The research focus is pediatric asthma. Seminar nursing research practicum course available to all undergraduate students. The focus is on preparing the undergraduate nursing student to engage in research from planning to implementation to evaluation and presentation of results. Students will understand the cyclical process of theory, research, and practice, informing one another continuously. Students will collaborate with a faculty member to agree upon objectives unique to the faculty's current and future research and appropriate to the student's current experience and knowledge base. This is a 2 credit course offered during the fall and spring semesters.

Other opportunities