MS in Speech-Language Pathology

Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology 

The Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology (MS SLP) degree prepares competent and dedicated professionals to serve adults and children with communication disorders. Students in the MS SLP program meet the highest academic, clinical and ethical standards. 

Academic coursework is primarily taught in person, with some courses delivered online (less than 50%) during the program’s second year. This six-semester program (over 2 years) allows students to explore all aspects of the SLP field while working to improve the lives of people with communication and swallowing difficulties. 

The MS-SLP program requires 54 credit hours over six semesters. 

Graduates are eligible for certification by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and New York state (NYS) licensure. Additionally, students will be eligible for teaching licensure by completing the MS SLP degree and other requirements for the Pathway: NYS Professional License and Process to Work in K-12 Schools

Request more information

Get to know the MS SLP program with student India Cordero

Clinical Experiences

Students complete six clinical experiences over the program. 

The first two clinical practicum experiences are completed primarily through simulation experiences and limited evaluation and treatment experiences (school and community screenings or specialized clinics). 

After completing the first two semesters of coursework and practicum, students complete two semesters of part-time internships in the community. The final two internships are full-time. 

The Division of SLP operates the Binghamton University Speech, Language and Hearing Clinic. The division has built relationships with many community facilities, including school districts, nonprofit organizations, hospitals and skilled nursing facilities. These diverse clinical settings are chosen to allow students a variety of experiences. 

Capstone Project 

MS SLP students learn about the importance of research through participating in a research experience. Students are assigned to a faculty member for this experience, which starts during the first semester and culminates in a capstone project. Students may choose to complete a thesis in place of the capstone project. 


Fall semester, year 1

Course Credits
SLP 500 Clinical Practicum I 1
SLP 510 Healthcare Delivery 3
SLP 520 Pediatric Language  3
SLP 560 Neurogenic Communication Disorders I 3
SLP 565 Exploring Research in SLP 3
Total credits this semester 13

Spring semester, year 1

SLP 501 Clinical Practicum II 1
SLP 521 Language Disorders in School Age and Adolescents 3
SLP 532 Dysphagia  3
SLP 541 Stuttering 3
SLP 561 Neurogenic Communication Disorders II 3
Total credits this semester 13

Summer term, year 1

SLP 550 Articulation and Phonological Disorders 3
SLP 590 Internship I 2
Total credits this term 5

Fall semester, year 2

SLP 535 Voice and Pharyngeal Disorders 2
SLP 580 Augmentative and Alternative Communication Disorders 3
SLP 581 Autism and Intellectual Disorders  3
SLP 591 Internship II 2
Total credits this semester 10

Spring semester, year 2

SLP 530 Counseling in SLP 3
SLP 575 Professional Issues in the Schools 2
SLP 592 Internship III 4
Total credits this semester 9

Summer term, year 2

SLP 593 Internship IV 4

Total credits this term




Course Descriptions

Visit the Binghamton University Academic Guide for course descriptions.

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