Undergraduate Advising

Earth Sciences Advising

For information about the Earth Sciences major (B.A., B.S., and 4+1 B.S./M.S. program), please contact the Earth Sciences undergraduate director, Sarah Sheffield or Howard Richard Naslund by email or by phone: 607-777-2513.

Declaring a Earth Sciences major or minor

Declaring an interest in Earth Sciences on your admissions application does not mean you have declared your major or minor; all students enter Binghamton as undeclared. Please review the information on the Harpur College website Choosing a Major.

Highlights from these pages include the following: "All freshmen enter Harpur College as undecided students. We require you to take time to consider your options, our first years here."

Once you have decided to major or minor in Earth Sciences, or wish to discuss the possibility of doing so, please contact Prof. Knuepfer to make an appointment.

Unable to Register for a Course?

If you wish to register for a course but are unable to do so because of course restrictions, please contact the course instructor with the following information:

  • Your B-number
  • Course CRN (lecture section)
  • Course CRN (lab section if applicable)
  • Reason you can’t register (if it’s due to pre-requisites, specify what pre-requisite(s) you are missing)

If registering for this course would cause a time conflict with another course for which you are already registered, we can drop that course for you. So you need to specify what course is in conflict and give us permission to drop it before you can be added.

For information about the Earth Sciences major (B.A., B.S., and 4+1 B.S./M.S. program), please contact the Earth Sciences undergraduate director, Sarah Sheffield or Howard Richard Naslund by email or by phone: 607-777-2518.