What are your department hours?
The English Department is open from 8 am - 4 pm Monday-Friday during the academic
year. Summer hours are 8 am - 4 pm.
How do I contact an English instructor?
The best way to contact an instructor is by emailing them or you can come into the
English Department (LN 1149) and refer to the list of contact information for English
Department instructors. The list contains email addresses, office locations, and office
hours and it is updated each semester. The list is posted on the bulletin board to
the right of the door to the main office.
How do I declare, change, or drop my major?
If you wish to declare an English major or change your concentration, please see an
English Advisor. If you wish to drop your English major, email Donna Berg, dmberg@binghamton.edu in the English Department.
What are the different English majors?
Note: You may declare only ONE major within a department.
Can you minor in English?
I need help with my writing. Is there any free academic help offered? The Writing Initiative is located in LN 2412, for writing help.
How do I know who my advisor is?
A list of the English Department Advisers, along with their office hours on the department
website. You may see any Adviser.
How do I know when my instructor has office hours?
Office hours are posted in the English department LN 1149. This information is updated
each semester.
I took an English course years ago and now I need an official course description.
Is it possible for you to send me one?
Most likely. Please provide the instructor's name, the course number, the course title,
the semester and year. You can contact the Undergraduate Administrative Assistant,
Donna Berg with your request.
The class that I want to take is full. How do I petition into the class?
The English department is no longer accepting petitions to get into classes that are
full. If a course has the Waitlist feature, you may add yourself to the Waitlist.
I tried to register and it says I need departmental permission, what does this mean?
It means there is a restriction on the course. Please contact the Undergraduate Administrative
Assistant, Donna Berg, dmberg@binghamton.edu
I tried to register and it says I need permission of instructor, what does this mean?
It means there is a restriction on the course. Please contact the instructor via
I am supposed to graduate and haven't fulfilled my requirements yet. What do I do?
See or email Donna Berg, dmberg@binghamton.edu
If I take two different courses in different semesters that both have the same course
number and letter (i.e., ENG 300N), will I get credit for both courses?
Yes, as long as they are different course titles.