Carpentry Services
Non-chargeable carpentry services involve the repair to existing building interior architectural components.
Examples of those services are:
- Repair existing doors, door stops, and hinges
- Repair and maintain interior tile surfaces
- Repair/replace acoustical tiles in ceilings (non-damage related)
- Repair torn carpeting which is a safety hazard. Replacement of carpeting is the responsibility of individual departments. If the cost of the carpeting repair (labor and material) exceeds 20% of replacement value, then the department funds the repair or replacement.
- Repair Venetian blinds
- Repair molding, baseboards and weather stripping
- Replacement and repair of handrails
- Repair of counter tops
- Repair roof leaks
Chargeable Carpentry services are those where new work or work on non-facility items are accomplished.
Examples of chargeable services are:
- Renovation of all sizes from counter tops to single rooms or multi-room modifications
- Installation or relocation of wall-mounted shelves, free-standing bookcases, chalkboards and white boards
- Assembly of furniture such as desks, computer stations, and prefabricated partitions
- Hang pictures, plants and minor wall items
- Construct , hang and move bulletin boards along with patching and painting associated with a move
- Install doors, door stops and door enclosures
- Repair wooden furniture. Install new Formica tops on desks/credenzas.
- Construct faculty mailboxes
- Installation and repair of department owned equipment
Electrical Services
Facilities Management maintains and repairs all installed electric service for both internal and external building power and all building power supplies.
Examples of non-chargeable electrical maintenance services performed are:
- Maintenance of the campus high voltage distribution system
- Maintenance of the primary electrical system
- Repair of breakers in academic buildings and residence halls
- Repair and reset of fire alarm systems
Repair and replacement of interior and exterior lamps and fixtures (does not include desk, table or floor lamps and does not include lighting being replaced as part of a renovation)
Examples of chargeable services are:
- New installations such as outlets and electrical fixtures
- Installation of additional service to support new or relocated equipment
- Upgrading existing or installing new light fixtures and lighting equipment
- Support of campus special events which include power supply, flood lights, public address systems and standby electricians
- Repair electrical problems which affect the feed of electricity to departmentally owned electrical equipment (i.e., ovens, garbage disposals, sterilizers, etc.)
- Installation of security systems
- Installation and repair of department owned equipment
Painting Services
Examples of non-chargeable painting services performed are:
- Painting building exteriors
- Painting building interiors based upon a painting schedule/cycle (below)
- Painting light poles
- Painting interior or elevator cabs
- Street and crosswalk striping
Examples of chargeable services performed by the Paint Shop:
- Any painting requested by work order/service request determined by Facilities Management to be outside the Painting Guidelines
- Dry walling, texturing and painting associated with remodels or renovations
- Paint or stain new unfinished furniture
- Change color of walls, trim, cabinets and doors that otherwise are not in need of painting
- Hang wall covering
- Installation and repair of department owned equipment
Painting Guidelines- These are general guidelines. Facilities Management will determine the actual schedule after reviewing existing conditions and evaluating work load and priorities.
Residential Halls
- 8-9 year cycle
Classrooms, stairwells, hallways, rest rooms
- 16-20 year cycle
Interior offices
- 16-20 year cycle
Building exteriors
- 13-15 year cycle
Masonry Services
Examples of non-chargeable masonry services performed are:
- Repair to building exteriors
- Repair to building interiors
- Repairs to baths/showers
- Repair of walkways
- Repair to retaining walls
Examples of chargeable masonry services are:
- Installation of new masonry features
- Alterations/Renovations to existing structures by departmental request
Plumbing Services
Plumbing Services provides the following services as non-chargeable items:
- Repair all plumbing (pipes and fixtures) integral to the building operating system
- Repair plumbing components such as tanks, valves, traps, HVAC and water heaters
- Repair laboratory drains and fixtures
- Unplug drains and drain lines
Examples of chargeable services are as follows:
- Maintain plumbing services to appliances
- Plumbing work associated with remodels or renovations
- Install new equipment
- Repair plumbing problems related to departmental equipment
- Repair and replacement of fixtures, supply and discharge lines for laboratory gases and compressed air
- Unplug drain and drain lines for auxiliary services
- Installation and repair of department owned equipment