It is important to make sure you are informed and prepared for your first semester at Binghamton University. For information on how to prepare for orientation, please make sure to visit and review all of the pre-orientation modules, the exploring majors guides, and complete the Advising and Interest Intake form.
Transfer students should refer to the email from their Harpur Academic Advisor titled "Academic Advising Welcome & Next Steps" for necessary orientation and registration information.
STEP 1: Sign up for New Student Programs Orientation and Complete Orientation & Advising Homework
You will sign up for Orientation through New Student Programs -
Orientation Checklist
You are expected to complete a number of items prior to Orientation. The Orientation Checklist can be found on BU Brain. -
Academic Interest & Intake Form
The Academic Interest & Intake Form is required in order for you to meet with an Advisor and schedule your first semester courses. This is part of your Orientation checklist found on BU Brain.
STEP 2: Prepare for Course Registration
What Do I Need?
Your first advising appointment is important to register for your first semester of classes here at Binghamton University! Please review the following guidelines in preparation for your first appointment:
- Make sure your Intake Form (can be found on your Orientation checklist) is complete and submitted and you have reviewed the response
- Laptop or desktop (you will NOT be able to use your phone to register)
- Strong internet connection
- A quiet space with no distractions
Zoom Setup
Make sure your Zoom account is set up by following these steps:
- Visit
- Sign in using the Single Sign-On (SSO)
- Company domain is:
- Click "continue" and sign in with your PODS username and password
Refer to this video tutorial for more information.
Transfer Credits
Be sure to send in all transfer credits including exam credit, or college level courses to avoid duplicating credit!
World Language Requirement
Did you know that Binghamton University offers more than a dozen languages?! Check out this list of First-Year Appropriate World Language Courses!
Calculus Placement Exam & Chemistry Readiness Assessment
Depending on your major interest, you may need to take Calculus AND/OR Chemistry. Use this form to determine if you need Calculus or Chemistry
- Learn more about the Calculus Placement Exam
- Learn more about the Chemistry Readiness Assessment
Planning Your Course Schedule
Review the resources below to help you in preparing your Spring 2025 course schedule.
College Scheduler
College Scheduler is a powerful platform that you will use to generate schedules. This is what you will use to build your course schedule. In preparation for your appointment please refer to our College Scheduler guide. -
Register for Classes
After your orientation session, you will meet virtually with a Harpur Academic Advisor and student assistant to register for Spring '25 classes. In preparation for your first appointment, please refer to our registration tutorials.
NOTE: You will be able to schedule your virtual Advising & Registration appointment at the end of your orientation session
STEP 3: Items to review after your Advising & Registration Appointment
Degree Works
Navigating Degree Works -
Harpur Advising Portal
Current students: Be sure to browse through the Harpur Advising Portal on Brightspace. The answers to many of our most popular questions can be found in the Portal.
Pre-Professional Advising Resources
Emerging Leader's Program (ELP)
The Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) is a fall semester microcredential program designed specifically for new first year and transfer students to develop and practice effective leadership skills. -
Career Readiness Resources
If you are an exploratory student, or just looking to gain a competitive edge in your chosen field of study, take advantage of our resources geared towards building your intellectual, professional, and personal development.