ELI Tutoring Center

The English Language Institute, in coordination with University Tutorial Services, has ESOL-trained tutors to assist all multilingual Binghamton University students with their English-language skills.

The ELI Tutors are available by appointment: https://www.registerblast.com/binghamton-tutoring/Resource/List

Tutoring is held by appointment:

  • All scheduled tutoring appointments take place in CIW library, Old Champlain 314, or via Zoom. Check your appointment confirmation email for more details.

ELI Tutoring Center

Is ELI Tutoring for Me? 

ELI Tutoring is for all multilingual Binghamton University students, undergraduates and graduates.  This may include:

  • International students, students with permanent residence, refugees, and DACA students who do not speak English as their first language , or whose parents do not. 
  • American citizens who may be citizens, naturalized citizens, or have gained citizenship through their parents' naturalization and do not speak English as their first language or their parents do not.

What Can the ELI Tutors Do For You?

The ELI tutors are trained to assist you with language and cultural issues that affect you as a students here at Binghamton University.

Some examples of things we help with are:

Understanding homework assignments: The class material may not be a problem, but knowing what the professor expects you to do can be. We can help you meet your professor's goals for assignments before you meet with the Critical Thinking Lab!

Understanding culturally bound materials: Maybe you are having difficulty with a reading because you are new to US culture. Perhaps a video presentation doesn't make sense because you're missing important information related to US history. We can give you the clues that will help you understand.

Writing assignments: Not only can we help you organize your ideas and format, but we can help find persistent grammar errors and practice sentence structure and punctuation issues with you before you visit the Writing Center!

Study skills: Your study habits may need some adjusting. Perhaps you need to schedule yourself more time for assignments. Maybe you're using the wrong reading approach. We can help you identify issues, and build new habits before you visit the Success Coaches!

Providing resources: We know where to find practice materials and information to help you with your language skills.

Developing listening skills: Are you having trouble in lecture because your professor has an accent, speaks quickly, or you are overwhelmed by the amount of information? We can help you practice skills that will develop your listening and note-taking skills.

Practicing presentations: We can look over your presentations, listen to you practice, and give you tips to improve your presentations before you visit the Speaking Center!

Pronunciation and conversation skills: You may just want someone to work on your pronunciation with you, or help you prepare for an interview. We can work with you and/or give you resources so you can work on your own.

Though an ELI tutor is not an expert in every field, we do understand the struggles of language learning and the difficulty of adapting to the US educational system. All ELI tutors at BU are empathetic, compassionate, and enthusiastic about helping you succeed. If we don't know the answer to your question, we will find it.


Contact us!

Trena Haffenden
ELI Tutor Coordinator
Old Champlain 319


Old Champlain 310
Binghamton University
PO Box 6000
Binghamton, NY 13902-6000

Telephone: (607) 777-2320
E-mail: eli@binghamton.edu

