Srikanth Rangarajan joined the School of System Science and Industrial Engineering in fall 2024. He received his MS and PhD in mechanical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras in 2017. He obtained his bachelor of engineering in 2011 from Anna University Chennai. His research interests include energy storage management systems, electronics packaging, digital twinning for electronics and batteries, thermal energy storage, thermal management of electronics and data center cooling. Srikanth is also the author of the book “Phase Change Material Heat Sinks: A multi-objective Perspective.” Prior to joining the SSIE School, Srikanth worked as an associate research professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Binghamton with Distinguished Professor Bahgat Sammakia. Google Scholar: Rangarajan has taught the following courses at Binghamton University: Srikanth’s recent research interest is on modeling the spread of contagious viruses like COVID-19, employing the evolutionary principle. Srikanth was the first to come up with a novel method to track virus spread using a genetic algorithm. The research article is under review at Journal of Healthcare Informatics. The preprint of this research is available at 10.21203/ Srikanth Rangarajan
Assistant Professor
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School of Systems Science and Industrial Engineering