Leave Donation

The intent of the Leave Donation Program is to provide a means to assist employees who, because of a long term personal illness, have exhausted their leave benefits and would otherwise be subject to a severe loss of income during a continuing absence from work.

Under appropriate circumstances the Leave Donation Program enables employees to donate Vacation leave credits to co-workers in order to keep them in pay status during a period of personal illness.


Employees who wish to participate as Recipients in the Leave Donation Program:

  • Contact Human Resources and submit a written request.
  • Be absent due to a non-occupational, personal illness or disability for which they have submitted (and continue to submit as requested) medical documentation satisfactory to management.
  • Be expected to be absent for at least two (2) bi-weekly pay periods following exhaustion of all leave accruals. *UUP employees must exhaust all leave benefits as provided in Sections 23.2 through 23.5 of the 2016-2022 Agreement between the State and UUP.
  • Must not have had any disciplinary actions, or unsatisfactory performance evaluations within their last three years of State employment.
  • There is no maximum number of days which a recipient may accept, provided that donated credits cannot be used to extend employment beyond the point it would otherwise end by operation of law, rule or regulation. Similarly, there is no maximum number of donors from whom the recipient may accept donations.
  • Once Human Resources determines eligibility, they will contact the appropriate union who will in turn send a donation request to their members.


Who Can Donate?

Those employed in the same agency (SUNY) that earn vacation time are eligible to donate.

Donations within the same agency can be made across units. For example, a member of UUP can donate to a member of CSEA.

Employees who wish to participate as Donors in the Leave Donation Program:

  • Must have a minimum vacation balance of at least ten (10) days after making the donation.
  • Donations must be made in full day (7.5 or 8 hours) units, regardless of the work schedule or FTE of the donor or the recipient.
  • May not donate vacation leave that would otherwise be forfeited.

Please Note:

  • Unused donations will be returned to the donors, with one exception, donations made across agency lines will not be returned.
  • 10-month academic employees do not earn vacation. Therefore, they cannot make donations. However, under the appropriate circumstance they are eligible to receive donations.