Meet the Leadership Team

The ELP Leadership Team coordinates the entire program. Each Knowledge Community is led by two peer mentors, a faculty advisor, and a staff advisor.

ELP Leadership Team
Director Tyler Lenga
Coordinator Nicole Flohr
Graduate Assistant Kylie Gottlieb
Undergraduate Program Assistants

Brett Colucciello
Hannah Machingo
Jestina Tam
Mariana Schultz Enge

Arts and Humanities
Mentor Lukas Grieb
Sophomore, Physics
Mentor Olivia Guinane
Senior, Philosophy, Politics, and Law
Faculty Advisor Megan Benson
Assistant Head, Instruction and Outreach, Libraries
Staff Advisor Kyra Hickey
Community Engagement Coordinator, Center for Civic Engagement
Business and Entrepreneurship
Mentor Brisa Lin
Sophomore, Business Administration
Mentor Jordan Lerner
Sophomore, Business Administration
Faculty Advisor Bob Cline
Adjunct Lecturer, School of Management
Staff Advisor Katie Collette
Director, SOM Undergraduate Academic Advising
Environment and Ecology
Mentor Iravan Bhattacharyya
Sophomore, Environmental Studies, Economic Systems, Philosophy, Politics, and Law
Mentor Isha Gavas
Junior, Integrative Neuroscience, Chemistry
Faculty Advisor Dylan Horvath
Steward of Natural Areas, Environmental Studies Program
Staff Advisor Emily Whitaker
Academic Advisor (Biology), Harpur Academic Advising
Global Awareness and Citizenship
Mentor Miguel Mendoza
Sophomore, Exploring
Mentor Alessandra Angiello
Junior, Political Science, French
Faculty Advisor Corinne Farrell
former Adjunct Lecturer, Health and Wellness, School of Management
Staff Advisor Callie Frost
Assistant Director, International Education and Global Initiatives
Public Service
Mentor Nicholas Cosenza
Sophomore, Statistics
Mentor Precious Ademokun
Sophomore, Political Science
Faculty Advisor Megan McCabe
Community Liaison and Adjunct Lecturer, CCPA Human Development
Staff Advisor Nicole Flohr
Coordinator for First Year Success, Student Transition and Success
Sports, Recreation, and Wellness
Mentor Rania Khan
Sophomore, Integrative Neuroscience
Mentor Cassandra Kleid
Sophomore, Philosophy, Politics, and Law
Faculty Advisor Corinne Farrell
former Adjunct Lecturer, Health and Wellness, School of Management
Staff Advisor Emily Ziemba
Assistant Director, New Student Programs