Financial Impact Review

*The PSS Budget Review Committe has been renamed The Financial Impact Review Committee.

Mission: The Financial Impact Review Committee is charged with informing the Professional Staff Senate and its constituency about divisional and institutional budgets and representing professional staff concerns with regard to campus financial policies. This shall take the form of hosting division leaders at Financial Impact Review Committee meetings and reporting on the impact of University and divisional finance decisions on professional staff.

During Academic year 2023/2024 the PSS Financial Impact Review Committee will meet with Vice Presidents, Division Leaders and Deans and will then release a report documenting our findings, particularly the effect financial policy on Binghamton University professional staff.

We strongly believe that we need to share an annual report outlining the PSS FIRC's findings for two reasons:
To inform -  It is our duty to provide an overview of the University's economic landscape as it relates to professional staff by sharing the factual information we learn from our meetings and surveys.
To be a voice -  We provide a voice for professional staff that will be heard when financial decisions are made that will affect our constituents and their employment.
The five speakers, or groups of speakers, that we plan to meet with are listed below.

Scheduled Meetings 2023-2024

All Meetings are via Zoom from 11:00 am - 12:00 Noon

A FIRC subcommittee is currently working on our 2021/2022 Final Report.

Zoom Link for All Meetings

  • November 29: Karen Jones, Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  •  January 24: Donald Hall, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

  • March 27: JoAnn Navarro, Vice President for Operations, and Niyazi Bodur, Associate Vice President and CIO

  • April 24: Sheila Doyle, Executive Director Binghamton University Foundation, John Koch, Vice President for Advancement

  • May 22: Laura Bronstein, Dean, College of Community and Public Affairs 

  • June 12: Baghat Sammakia, Vice President for Research, and Lisa Gilroy, Associate Vice President for Research
  • June 26: John Cordi, CFO and Sr. Associate Vice President


Vice Chair

Committee Members

No profile found.

headshot of Michael Jacobson

Michael Jacobson

Director; Director of the Office of Strategic Research Initiatives

Office of Strategic Research Initiatives; Research, Office of the Vice President for
headshot of Nicolle M. Nestler, MPH

Nicolle M. Nestler, MPH

Coordinator of Speech and Language Pathology Division

Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences; Division of Speech and Language Pathology

Retiree Committee Members

Robert Mess

Bob Mess
