Undergrad Student Resources


If you have questions about registration, here are several resources for you.

​The best way to get the courses that you want is to register as soon as your registration window opens.  Start thinking about potential schedules as soon as the schedule is live.  You can use College Scheduler in BU Brain to make several versions so that when your window opens, you have a Plan A and B ready.

If a course that you want is full, keep a watch on BU Brain throughout add/drop.  It is not unusual for students to change their registration, which may open a spot for you.  

If you have a time conflict with classes, and need to take both classes, you will need to complete a Course Conflict form.
Our department sets some seats aside for freshman and transfer orientations during the summer.  These seats will be opened to other students once orientation is over.  The courses that have held seats are only in the fall semester and include PHYS 121, 131, 132, and ASTR 114.

Transfer Credits

Many of our undergraduate students come to us with credits from another school or want to take courses at a school near their hometown during the summer.  It is recommended that you seek guidance from our Undergraduate Director. You can find out about transferring credits to BU through Admissions.  Here are the guidelines for SUNY cross-registration.

Taking PHYS 121, 122, 131, or 132 at another school and transferring them in?  Physics I and II courses transferred to BU must include an in-person lab component.  Courses that are completely online are not equivalent to our Physics I and II courses.  Premed students:  note that some medical schools may not accept physics courses that are completely online.  Please review the Equivalency Table for information and contact our Undergraduate Director for advice.

If you are not a Watson student, but want to take the Watson-Only Introductory Physics courses, complete this form.  To be eligible, Calculus II is a pre-requisite or co-requisite.

For those who have taken an AP Exam, credits can be applied in several ways. If you haven't already done so, have your scores sent to Student Records.

For students wanting to take an astronomy class, ASTR 114 is a prerequisite or a corequisite for ASTR 115.  There is no prerequisite to ASTR 114.

Physics Help

Do you need help with your physics classes?  Please come to Physics Help Room in S2 G23.  There are other help options through The Tutoring Center.  Would you like to meet with your professor?  Here is a listing of contact information for physics instructors.