Presidential Search

Presidential Search Listening Sessions

Update: March 18, 2025

As part of the search process for the next president of Binghamton University, the search firm, WittKieffer, is seeking feedback from a wide array of University constituents. WittKieffer hosted several listening sessions prior to Spring Break to understand  the qualities and traits that the campus and community would seek in the next president and the challenges and opportunities facing Binghamton.

To ensure that as many voices are heard as possible, WittKieffer has scheduled additional sessions next week to hear from several key constituent groups. If you are able, plan on attending one of the sessions below and circulate as widely as possible the information so that others may join.

Feedback will be used in the creation of the leadership profile, the principal marketing document that will be shared broadly with potential candidates and with the general public. It will also serve as criteria that the search committee will use to evaluate the candidates. If you cannot make the listening session, you can provide your feedback here.

WittKieffer team is looking forward to hearing from you and learning more about Binghamton University, the community and this pivotal role. In order to use the time efficiently during the listening session, review these guidelines before attending.

Kathryn Grant Madigan, Esq., Presidential Search Committee Chair
Binghamton University Council Chair

Zoom Feedback Open Sessions

Student Zoom open session

Monday, March 24 from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Meeting URL:

Meeting ID: 969 1548 0806

Passcode: 245291

Staff Zoom open session

Tuesday, March 25 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.

Meeting URL: pwd=oWVfp0KmCYBgSaiODWioMgWqAhE9aV.1

Meeting ID: 967 2306 4422

Passcode: 495875

Greater Binghamton community Zoom open session

Tuesday, March 25 from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Meeting URL:

Meeting ID: 926 1908 9891

Passcode: 000013

Faculty Zoom open session

Wednesday, March 26 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

Meeting URL:

Meeting ID: 920 4121 3181

Passcode: 350478

Welcome from the Chair

Jan. 1, 2025

With President Harvey Stenger’s announcing he's stepping down after 13 years of outstanding leadership, it is a bittersweet time in our history at Binghamton University. We are nonetheless excited to begin the process of searching for a new president to build on the many successes, growth and achievements under President Stenger to new levels of academic excellence and prominence.  

The Binghamton University Council and I have met to review the SUNY presidential search guidelines . As part of the Council’s responsibility to fully vet and select a national Search Firm to guide the important work of the Presidential Search Committee, we sent Requests for Proposals to eight highly regarded search firms, several of which Binghamton has engaged in past searches.  I am pleased to report that we received detailed proposals from seven top firms. The Council’s review and assessment of each firm enabled us to select three firms to interview and check references. I am happy to report that we have formally retained a search firm team that knows Binghamton well – Gregory Duyck, Melody Rose and Zachary Smith, from Witt Kieffer.  We are now preparing to schedule the inaugural meeting of the Binghamton University Presidential Search Committee.

As the process moves forward, I plan to keep you – our students, alumni, faculty, staff, the greater Binghamton community, friends and generous donors – periodically informed.  Our goal is to be as inclusive and transparent as possible going forward.   We further pledge to engage all of you to ensure we identify the most highly qualified candidates to lead Binghamton into our future as the premier public university, not only in New York and the Northeast, but beyond. I plan to use this website to help explain the search process and invite you to provide feedback on the attributes the next president should possess. Regular updates will be posted, recognizing that confidentiality will be required at certain stages of the search process. 

The Binghamton University Presidential Search Committee has 21 members, including representatives from the Binghamton University Council, faculty, undergraduate and graduate students, alumni, Foundation, a dean, a current SUNY President, a Community College President, and a non-voting liaison from the SUNY Chancellor’s office. The member list is available on the Search website. Our Administrative Support Staff person is Janet Ranucci, Sr. Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Student Affairs.

The Committee is charged with the responsibility of conducting a national search and forwarding to the Binghamton University Council a list of at least five acceptable candidates. The Council will then seek to achieve consensus in recommending three candidates to SUNY Chancellor John King, together with its opinion on the relative strengths and weaknesses of each. Chancellor King will then recommend a single candidate to the SUNY Board of Trustees for consideration and final appointment.  

This is a pivotal moment for Binghamton University, and we are confident that we will attract many highly qualified candidates seeking to build on the legacy of President Stenger and his predecessors and leading our great University into the future as our new President.

Kathryn Grant Madigan, Esq., Search Committee Chair
Binghamton University Council Chair

About the University

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