The Baldwin Site is a late 18th/19th century farmstead in the hamlet of Lowman, Town of Ashland, Chemung County New York. The farm was settled by veterans of the Battle of Newtown (1779), which was waged in and around the future hamlet. The excavations were situated in the front yard of the homestead, which is backed up against a hill. The homestead is eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, and was built in two stages. The eastern wing of the house was built ca. 1789, with a larger, Federal-style addition reputedly built around 1819. As such, the house represents one of the oldest framed structures in the region, and the associated site affords us an opportunity to examine the development of a frontier farm lot. The project was investigated by the Public Archaeology Facility as part of its statewide contract with the New York State Museum (SED) for the New York State Department of Transportation upgrade of NY-17 to I-86.

PAF invites you to browse the project website using the links in the upper right hand
side of this page, and explore the archaeological artifacts, features, and interpretations
of the Baldwin Site.