Archaeologists from the Public Archaeology Facility (PAF) first identified the Broome Tech site (SUBi-1005) in 1980 during a Phase 1 reconnaissance survey along US 11 in the Town of Dickinson, Broome County, New York. The project called for a new sanitary sewer system for the town. Shovel test pits along US 11 encountered precontact lithics and pottery, and PAF named the site Broome Tech based on the name of the community college at that time, now called SUNY Broome Community College.

The site is located on the west bank of the Chenango River. Archaeologists documented a deeply stratified site dating as early as at least 1500 B.C. (the Transitional period). It was again used during the Middle Woodland period (ca. A.D. 0-900). The most recent period of precontact site use was during the Late Woodland (ca. A.D. 900-1400). Evidence suggests that people used this portion of the Chenango Valley as a camp for millennia during the precontact period. During the historic period, the site area was part of the Broome County Poor Farm.
Browse the following pages to learn more about the rich history uncovered at the Broome Tech site.