In 2007, crews from the Public Archaeology Facility (PAF) conducted archaeological investigations at the intersection of NY13 and Lower Creek Road in the Town of Dryden in preparation for improvements to NY 13. Initial investigations recovered a stone foundation and artifacts from the mid to late 19th century. The foundation and associated artifacts were designated the Lower Creek Road Historic Archaeological Site. PAF crews conducted a site examination in 2010 and an additional survey in 2011 to determine if the site was eligible for the National Register of Historic Places and to refine the site’s boundaries, respectively. The recovered artifacts provide information on the Miller household who occupied the site during the mid to late 19th century. PAF archaeologists were able to use the archaeological data to study the social and economic life of a farming family in Central New York during the 1800s.
With this web report, you can browse the results of PAF’s excavations and research on the Lower Creek Road Historic Archaeological Site. The information presented here tells the story of daily life on the Casper Miller farmstead. The results of the study also show how the households that lived on the site fit into a larger social and economic context by seeing what they produced on their farms and households and what they consumed.