acoustics core

The Core includes an anechoic chamber used by faculty and students to create a sound field that is not affected by acoustic reflections and is isolated from external noises.

The high-performance laser vibrometer enables the acoustic characterization of silicon MEMS acoustic sensors being developed by Watson College researchers.


ES B500


Anechoic Chamber 

The 100 hertz cutoff anechoic chamber has outside dimensions of 20' (W) x 24' (L) x18' (H) and inside dimensions of 13'8"(W) x 17'8" (L) x 11'4" (H). It includes wedges having anechoic properties from 100 hertz to 30,000 hertz and 4" floor panels that sit on a 4" 3-hertz spring isolation system.

There is a 3/32" diameter stainless steel spring tensioned cable floor and support framework with a raised grating floor and an expanded metal entrance ramp. The chamber has been tested in pure tones from 100 hertz to 16,000 hertz and in 1/3 octaves from 100 hertz to 30,000 hertz.

There is a ceiling-mounted, computer-controlled robotic microphone positioning system with 5-axis motion: X, Y, Z, Phi (vertical-plane rotation) and Theta (horizontal-plane rotation) and a data acquisition system and positional system control with 10 input channels with a 160dB dynamic range and DC - 50kHz frequency range per channel and 2 output (source) channels.


Ron Miles
Distinguished Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department
Associate Dean for Research, Watson College of Engineering & Applied Science