Vibration Core

The equipment in this lab allows for those working in signal processing to develop and test DSP (Digital Signal Processing) algorithms with a specialized signal rather than only as a Matlab simulation. This allows real-time demonstrations to be performed for audio frequency (or lower) signals. For example, real-time systems for automatic speech recognition can be developed and tested. Three faculty members in Electrical and Computer Engineering currently focus on signal processing research—Stephen Zahorian, Mark Fowler, and Edward Li. Some of the equipment in this lab has been supplied by Texas Instruments through their university grants program.

With equipment for testing and monitoring of components and products under vibration and mechanical shock, the work in the Vibration Core focuses on qualification tests for products, or reliability assessment of components and products in support of advanced research and development. Data from these tests can help pinpoint design flaws as well as to help understand product performance under robust environmental conditions.


ES B400


Digital Signal Processing System

The equipment in this lab allows for those working in signal processing to develop and test DSP (Digital Signal Processing) algorithms with a specialized signal rather than only as a Matlab simulation. This allows real-time demonstrations to be performed for audio frequency (or lower) signals. For example, real-time systems for automatic speech recognition can be developed and tested. Three faculty in Electrical and Computer Engineering currently focus on signal processing research—Stephen Zahorian, Mark Fowler, and Edward Li. Some of the equipment in this lab has been supplied by Texas Instruments through their university grants program.

Laser Vibrometer

The Polytec MSA-500 laser vibrometer is an integrated microscope and scanning system for measuring out-of-plane vibrations of microstructures. It is capable of measuring the motion of microstructures that are a mere 1 um across, roughly 1/10 the size of the smallest structures currently measured using our existing PSV-300 laser vibrometer. The MSA-500 is also capable of stroboscopic video measurement of in-plane motion for frequencies up to 1 MHz.

Micro/Nano/Biofluidics Inspection Suite

This suite of equipment precisely prepares fluidic, colloidal, molecular and cellular samples for high quality experimental investigations. A microcentrifuge, a temperature-controlled ultrasonic bath and a microfluidic mixer manipulate micro/nanoscale suspension and solutions through concentrating, diluting and mixing. In addition, special gas and humidity-controlled environment can be maintained inside a chemical glove box accessorized with a vacuum pump. An upright microscope equipped with a CCD camera is used to visually inspect and quantify fabricated micro/nanofluidic devices and the prepared samples on top of a vibration-isolation optical table.

Probe Station with an LCR meter

Various electrical performance evaluations including frequency response are performed in this probe station. The system is comprised of three main pieces: probe station (Signatone), LCR meter (Agilent E4980A), and data acquisition computer/software that can calculate and display dielectric parameters.

The probe station is also equipped with an impedance analyzer and semiconductor analyzer.

This tool also measures electrical characteristic responses as a function of composition and chemical variations of materials.

Shock and Vibration Data Acquisition System

The Shock and Vibration DAQ provides expanded capability to acquire vibration-based signals for shock and vibration experimental research programs. The LDS-830 shaker's power amplifier provides full vibration testing capabilities including a thermal chamber for high and low temp in combination with vibration... Shock pulse is programmable to represent a wide range of realistic mechanical shock conditions.

UHF Vibrometer

The Polytech ultra-sensitive scanning ultra-high frequency vibrometer provides the unique capability of studying the motion aspects of very small structures, such as nanostructures and carbon nanotubes.

The vibrometer enables the detection of the vibration features and motion of sub‐micro and nanostructures, which typically have very high frequencies. These include carbon nano tubes and graphene sheets.
