Start Your Adventure

Challenge program interest form

To begin the reservation process, please fill out the following information. Our challenge course manager will then work with you to develop a program designed to your specific goals. Your reservation will be confirmed once the signed contract is returned with the deposit amount. Your organization will be held responsible for the number of participants listed on the contract.
This is only a reservation request, not a contractual agreement. The challenge course manager will provide a contract once dates are agreed upon.
Group Leader Contact Information
University affiliation
Group Leader Contact Information
Program Information
Type of program
If Jump Starter or Team Builder, do you have a time preference?
Approximate number of participants
Goals for the program (select up to 3)



Participant Information Guide

Contact us

Outdoor Pursuits
(607) 777-6414

Office and Rental Center Hours
Wednesday – Friday
11:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Note: The Office and Rental Center are closed during breaks and over the summer.