Student Learning Outcomes for Community-Engaged Experiences

What are our institutional learning outcomes 

In fall 2023, a working group of faculty and staff who participate in community-engaged teaching/research and assessment personnel created a set of standard student learning outcomes for curricular and co-curricular experiences at Binghamton University. These outcomes were based on the Civic Engagement VALUE Rubric with modifications based on high quality practices in the field. Our institutional student learning outcomes are listed below. 

As a result of participating in curricular or co-curricular community-engaged experiences, students should show an improvement in: 

  • Awareness of their attitudes and beliefs through working within and learning from diverse communities and cultures
  • Ability to connect knowledge from their academic discipline(s) to their participation in community-engaged experiences
  • Ability and commitment to collaboratively work across and within community contexts and structures that prioritizes reciprocal and mutually beneficial relationships/partnerships 

How is the CCE assessing these outcomes

Each semester, the CCE sends a survey to students enrolled in CEL designated courses that asks them to evaluate their own learning as it aligns with the learning outcomes. Faculty offering CEL courses also receive a survey asking them to provide an estimate of the percentages of students who exceeded, met, approached or did not meet expectations as they relate to the learning outcomes. These surveys are an ongoing effort to broadly assess CEL courses and their outcomes. 

Similarly, students who participate in community-engaged co-curricular experiences, or those with a community-based component, also receive a survey asking them to evaluate their learning as it aligns with the learning outcomes. We are also collaborating with offices/programs to integrate our learning outcomes assessment questions into existing assessment measures to capture this data. 

Both of these efforts are ongoing and will adapt over time as the data are explored and used to improve practice and support for faculty and staff. Questions regarding these outcomes and assessments can be sent to Renae Barber at