United Way University Assisted Early Literacy

Leveraging the expertise of Binghamton University, Broome-Tioga BOCES, and Broome County schools, and the funding from United Way of Broome County's Strategic Communities Grant Program, this 2-year pilot project is designed to support early literacy and reading proficiency for elementary students in two local districts. This project builds on the early literacy professional development trainings currently provided by Broome-Tioga BOCES and integrates the clinically-rich professional preparation currently being conducted by Binghamton University’s Department of Teaching, Learning, and Educational Leadership and Department of Social Work as well as the high impact college placements being made through the Center for Civic Engagement. This collaboration around an early literacy project with capacity for strengthening early literacy and family engagement will be implemented using a university-assisted community school approach designed to align and integrate resources without duplication.  This innovative BOCES - School District-University pilot project expands support and services available to young children, families, and school districts around early literacy and family engagement while also providing clinically-rich field experiences to the next generation of local teachers and social workers that operationalizes collaboration and integrated interprofessional practices. 

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Tara Edmunds

Tara Edmunds (she/her)

Director of Strategic Partnerships, Binghamton University Community Schools  